Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Technology Review


Since the time of the industrial revolution, in middle of century XVIII, that the workers in the entire world fear the loss of the job as result of the technological advances. At the time, the machines had brought greater productivity for the industry, but they had destroyed many ranks of work manual. Other occupations, however, had been created to give have supported to a system of more modern production. This process if has repeated throughout centuries, whenever a technology is substituted by another one. The question that if places currently, is to know if the speed with that the technological innovations & ldquo; destroem& rdquo; jobs are bigger of what the sprouting of new ranks of work. According to reviewed Technology Review, of the Institute of Technology of Massachusetts (MIT), in the United States, the American product grew in the last five years, but the amount of lost jobs arrived the six million more than. It is possible that factors as terceirizao of man power is of the country has affected these numbers, but the analyst believes that the responsible greater for the exaggeration between economic growth and generation of job has been the automation.

Nobel of economy in 2010, professor Peter Diamond, does not believe that the technological innovations provoke a permanent reduction in the job, but foresees an increase in the income concentration as consequncia. An option to the search for job has been the empreendedorismo. That is, to use to advantage the chances that appear with the technological advances and to become entrepreneur. The business plan, therefore, can be the best alternative to the lost job for the automation. Ricardo Keys Rasp

Sabin Positions


Company MARRIES detaches paper of the leadership to keep climate in day In the Sabin Laboratory, net of reference in Brazil with a wallet of more than a million of customers and 62 unidadesem three States, the culture of high performance are proportionate, in first place, for a sensation of ‘ ‘ pertencimento’ ‘ of the people. ‘ ‘ We work strong established in values that had been defined for proper funcionrios’ ‘ , the superintendent of RH, Marly advances Vidal. According to it, to define the values was a process that involved the house collaborators oldest and arrived the seven item that are the premise for all the actions and strategies of the company. Beyond this alignment of ideas, the employee has freedom to give suggestions and feels that he has transparency in the decisions. ‘ ‘ The worse crisis that a company can have is reliable ‘ ‘ , Marly says. An example of this concern is in the election of people to inside occupy higher positions of the company. In accordance with the superintendent, 100% of the positions of leadership of the 62 units of the Sabin had been busy by means of internal processes.

It is one reliable politics. When a vacant appears, them does not search in the market. To strengthen the confidence, the company instituted allegiance prizes, has its goals divulged for the totality of the staff, guarantees participation in the results, bonds and benefits based on meritocracia. Still thus, the management of people looks for to work the paper of the leaderships to inspire continuously the group and to invest in action as feedback, for example. With headquarters in Brasilia, it is natural that one of the main competitors of the company in relation to the occupation of the best vacant is the public office, but, exactly thus, the Sabin looks for to establish some 0 variable to hold back its talentos and ‘ ‘ brigar’ ‘ against the stability of the state sector.

Operational Administrator


Retailers. Many companies obtain to grow prescriptions quickly when the prices of pra there low sales play. This is good? The extreme increase of the practical one of? dumping? it comes making with that these companies forget the part income-producing it business: ‘ ‘ To gain dinheiro’ ‘. To play pra the there low price of sales without foreseeing operational the necessities existing causes future financial crises? The edges do not cover the costs. To practise? dumping? it is an operation that it needs to be folloied of close and with strategical planejamentos? The operational costs continue increasing. It said Michael Porter, book author diverse on competitiveness strategies and professor of Harvard Business School: ‘ ‘ A COMPANY WITHOUT STRATEGY MAKES ANY NEGCIO’ ‘. Five are the main factors that practise influence it of? dumping? negative: 1? Not to know which the operational cost of the business; 2? Not to know the deduction of the existing tributes of the business; 3? Not to follow the yield of the business; 4? Not to diversify the mix of products of the business; 5? To beat the price of the competition without a good negotiation of purchase? The most practised.

All company needs to grow, since that, inside of this growth a healthful yield for the business exists. To change figurinhas was thing of the past. They think about this.

Corporative Services


The creative company who propitiates a good environment of work more is valued by its employees and customers, therefore, will have more success. It must itself be led in consideration also that nor always the organizacional climate take care of the necessities of the collaborators, therefore is the consequence of the effect of the culture of the company in the organization, that is, of the attributions of the norms, uses and customs inside of the organization. Thus, he asks himself: why in as much organizations the services are given of so deficient form? Why they make it to the people with a so mediocre performance? Why are so frequent the claims of the external customers how much to the quality of the atendimentos? How many customers the companies lose for not being intent its climate? He arrives yourself to think it that the problem is in the lack of training or me the election and conscription of people. However, you are welcome he advances the companies to fire its employees, as if only they were the true culprits for the development of its work. To measure the quality of the services is a challenge, therefore the satisfaction of the customers is determined by many intangible factors.

If the organization of services intends to remain itself in the competitive market, the continuous improvement in productivity and quality must be part of its strategies and the corporative culture. The research of organizacional climate is a tool that can contribute very for this (LIGHT, 2003 p 168). She is necessary that the companies have people working joined to guarantee the satisfaction of the customers, therefore the human character gains prominence and therefore the motivation is an important factor, being that the diagnosis of the organizacional climate to point the imperfections that harm the quality in services. Employee to give a good service to it, she is necessary that it knows, that can and wants to make it.