Seville will host the Congress of the society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial pathology of 2014 El Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Seville (Fibes), will be the stage of the 65 th Edition of the National Congress of the Spanish society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial pathology (SEORL-PCF), which will be held in 2014. The award of the headquarters was conducted in the city of Valencia during the celebration of the sixty-first Congress national of the SEORL-PCF which the Palace of congresses in Seville has been present to support physician-prescribing and leader of the bid, doctor Serafin Sanchez, Chief of Otolaryngology service of Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena of Sevilla and vocal by Seville of the Andalusian society of Otolaryngology and Facial Cervical Pathology (SoRLA). Our hotels in Seville, Monte Carmelo and Monte Triana, will have arrived when, an offer for delegates and attendees at this important scientific medical event. The National Congress of the SEORL-PCF is held annually, in odd-numbered years in Madrid and the even-numbered years to develop in the city chosen by the partners, through voting. This important Conference will feature the participation of between 1,500 and 1,700 specialists in Otolaryngology and a large exhibition area, being necessary to emphasize the participation of approximately 50 commercial firms, which highlights the importance and dimensions of this event. User reviews of restaurant Terra Sana in Forum Montecarmelo @ restaurant Terra Sana Madrid Montecarmelo boot fair Expopyme in the Palace of congresses in Seville Seville network swords shows its support to the Sicab and the Comic encounter Seville network man was born with ten pockets..