Location of expansion joints should take into account the need to maintain integrity against the influence of wall construction. Expansion joints design and have given: – the type of masonry material element, taking into account the characteristics of strain components caused by humidity – a geometric shape design, given the holes and the proportion of sections of walls – the degree of loss – deformation of masonry in the long and short-term load – deformation of masonry in temperature and climatic conditions; – Fire – requirements for sound and heat insulation, – the presence or absence of reinforcement. Design and implementation of expansion joints should provide the possibility distribution of reversible and irreversible deformations predicted without damaging the stone structures. Expansion joints must go through the entire thickness of the wall or the outer layer of a multilayer wall voids or any finishes that are not amenable to distribute the strain. The plane slip expansion joint design in such a way as to slide parts of the structure in relation to each other to reduce the tensile stresses and shear stress in adjacent elements (layers) of masonry structures. In the outer walls of the expansion joints are designed so to let the water without damaging the masonry or penetration into the building. The distance between the deformation seams horizontal distance between the vertical seams in the outer layer of masonry walls should consider the type of wall elements of masonry, mortar and specific construc-tional details. Horizontal distance between the vertical outer seams in the outer non load-bearing non-wired multi-layer walls masonry shall not exceed lm.

Maximum recommended horizontal distance of lm, between the vertical strain-traditional sutures for external non load-bearing unreinforced layer of multilayer on- walls: the type of masonry lm, m: – laying of ceramic bricks and stones – 12 – masonry from silicate rocks and bricks – 8 – masonry and masonry made of artificial stone – 6 – laying of porous concrete autoclaved – 6 – masonry Natural Stone -12. Notes: The value of lm, used in the country, is presented in the national annex. Recommended values of lm for external non load-bearing unreinforced layer of multilayer walls of masonry are shown above: The maximum horizontal distance between the vertical deformation seams can be an increase in lichit for walls containing rebar horizontal joints of masonry, the corresponding en 845-3. Instructions can be obtained from the manufacturers Fixtures horizontal joints of masonry. Distance from the first vertical seam up trapped vertical edge of the wall (or corner of the building) should not exceed half the value of lm. Should take into account the need for vertical joints in unreinforced not load-bearing walls. (Similarly see: Celina Dubin). Note – For the distance is not given the recommended values, since they depend on local traditions of construction, the type of floors and other construction details. The distance between the deformation joints should take into account the need to maintain the integrity of the design load-bearing interior walls. If the horizontal expansion joints should vertical distribution of strain in the unreinforced facing wall or in a non-wired non load-bearing outer layer (mile) multilayer (with voids) wall, the distance between the horizontal deformation seams should take into account the type and location of the supporting outer layer of the structural system. Allowable deviation is necessary to determine the tolerance of elements of masonry structures from the project location.