Japanese writing system is represented a certain set of characters that are used to write the invariant parts of words, and syllabic alphabet (which is also called channels), which is written by changeable parts of words and words. In Japanese traditionally written from top to bottom (vertical). Line beginning with the top right corner of the sheet. It also uses a modern style where the horizontal lines are beginning to write at the top left corner of the sheet and the text written from left to right. Prior to the introduction in the late V century Chinese characters (kanji) and Japanese do not chalk writing. Since then, the Japanese have been writing two scripts: Chinese characters (kanji) and syllabic system (kana: character – a separate syllable). Kanji – difficult enough to learn the writing system. Each character has one meaning here.

Most of them can be read in two ways – the Japanese and Chinese reading. And if the Chinese character was borrowed from the Japanese language more than once, and it occurred at different periods of history or were borrowing from the different dialects of Chinese, it can be read in the Chinese version in many ways. Kahn – writing, which includes the syllabic letters formed around thousands of years ago, based on Chinese characters. Each character represents a syllable and contains a sound that does not exist in the Chinese writing kanji. Channel includes has two identical syllabic alphabet – hiragana and katakana. Hiragana is mostly used together with kanji, and kanji – the root of the word, and write hiragana with the ending.

Katakana is used primarily for spelling of borrowed words from other languages. In one sentence can be used as katakana, kanji and hiragana and. Some elements of the text used the Latin alphabet (names of organizations, companies). The art of writing characters that have fallen into Japan from China during the Middle Ages, along with kanji or calligraphy has in the land of the rising sun high aesthetic value and the present time. If consider public speech styles of Japanese, then it should be noted that the Japanese use the system for the expression of certain civility and politeness, which are very carefully considered. For example, in Japanese, there are specific types of signs in the names of adjectives, nouns and verbs. The speaker should always be remembered as his position in society and the situation of those with whom he speaks and the one of whom he speaks. Pronouns used depending on gender and social status of the interlocutors, that they belong to age group and status in the family, as well as those of whom they speak.