Families these deriving ones of the diligent classroom who longed for better conditions of life. However the cost of living in the city being more expensive compromised the familiar budget all that had expenditures beyond of what they earned and this had caused in the setting of these families in areas moved away from the center, hillsides, lands abandoned and from this the habitacionais problems had come if aggravating in well constant way. The raised habitacional deficit and the inadequao of the housing are not isolated, recent and restricted problems to Brazil. In contrast, they are historical world-wide problems that if they had originated with the urbanization provoked for the Industrial Revolution and since there, only comes if aggravating and if spreading out (LEFEBVRE, 1991). With this dynamics of the industrialization and promises of jobs in the great cities it made with that 80% of the population migrassem for the cities in search of life improvements.

The urbanization process was unchained in Brazil, having passed the Brazilian, especially great and the average ones cities, to request a series of services and equipment that if placed in the guideline of claim of the population, which left the field to live in the city. However at this moment already it was present the question of the housing deficit. On the other hand the model tax for the capital is a division of classrooms, where diligent not deferred payment in the centers of the cities, therefore who possesss the biggest land number is the rich ones, the workers needs to inhabit far from its workstations, that is, where still it has places to construct to its housings far from all the infra structure as basic sanitation, energy, thus agglomerating these families in the hillsides, mounts, slum quarters. In the process of occupation of the Brazilian Amaznia under the optics of the development of Brazil in the Sixties and seventy it aimed at mainly to the exploration of the natural resources, then if it perceived that the region of the transamaznica one was very rich in natural resources in result of this the occupation of this region always was marked by great land conflicts.