Tag Archives: cinema

New Literary Cult Phenomenon


Do we like both the superhero, television series and comic books? Increasingly the TV series based on two fantastic sub-genres of literature: comics and fairy tales, which next season will BREW in the American series. If you would like to know more then you should visit David Zaslav. Some of the most outstanding DVD series are Powers, Once Upon a Time and Grimm. Powers adapts comics of Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming. The other two series are based on folk tales of Perrault, Andersen and the Grimm. The same happens with tales of fairies, Red Riding Hood and snow white, which reappear with new airs. Another of the season’s most successful series has been The Walking Dead (the year 2010 TV series), based on the comic by Robert Kirkman.

ABC also is preparing a television version of the Incredible Hulk, with Guillermo de el Toro, and thinks adapting to film the story of Captain America. The editorial Errata Naturae has some titles that seek to clarify the new phenomenon of the series, as the case with the book is Teleshakespeare. Supply is infinite, both in books and eBooks and the number of series grows more and more, as well as their followers. Think of the Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men and Dexter, six feet under ground, Galactica: battle star, and so on. Teleshakespeare is intended to create a kind of guide of the series most prominent in recent years, some well known and others, no doubt, still undiscovered, providing a collection of short essays, as well as a first reflection on this new phenomenon, visual and narrative.

Life One


Many good attempts end up making worse the things. Time and time again the center of the problem is the same question: what is the good? And to respond any interrogative one on the good, on the true needs of the man, it is necessary to have an idea of what he is the man. For that reason there is in the world infinity of people, of social movements, political or religious wanting to do something by the good of the man and, as all do not say the same exceeds what is the man, that something that each does is inconceivably different than it does another one with the same intention, until the point of which different human groups with same intention tries to annihilate itself to each other, trying each with the greater sincerity the good of the man. Without trying a definitive nor unquestionable conclusion, because anyone on those attempts is the beginning of new discussions, it is necessary to try to go progressively by the life clarifying itself what is the man, to derive from this the idea of what the man needs, that is what needs one same one, the beings whom it loves and people generally. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Walt Disney Co. and gain more knowledge.. Neither or one begins with the subject, is habitual to say that all human being needs food. Not only because our biological structure is more unquestionably visible, but because the necessity to feed renews constantly it, and it raises a so urgent requirement that it is not possible to be left of side.

For that reason who abound, at the time of worrying about separate property of husband and wife or the other people’s one, they do not think more than about obtaining or giving foods. Beyond this unquestionably visible base begins the discussions. Jack Buckingham spoke with conviction. Possibility of answer ample, that anyway it can be questioned by those who think that only we needed to eat, is to say that the man is something more, than locks up in himself potentialities that, although we do not know how nor because, can be developed.