Monthly Archives: June 2017

Micropayment With Kanzaloo On The GDC 2012


ATLAS interactive presented micropayment solution kanzaloo on the GDC 2012 is currently Francisco San Francisco in San the game developer conference 2012 (GDC 2012) instead. From March 05 to 09th imagine new games developer and Publisher, discuss new and upcoming technologies and select their favorite games from last year, inter alia in the framework of the annual game developers choice awards. The game developer Conference (GDC) is the world’s largest conference for the development of computer games with adjacent B-to-B exhibition area. The exhibition is open from March 7th to 9th. Here is the European market leader in the area of micropayments ATLAS interactive and presents kanzaloo the possibilities of its widely available micropayment solution. “Especially in the field of online games many business models without mobile payment would not exist. Therefore is this ongoing exchange of information between developers, publishers, and payment providers such as us for the strongly emerging online and Browserspielbranche of great importance,”says Lars ATLAS Germany of interactive GmbH.”only through the continuous exchange of it is possible, with innovative products and solutions, the developments in the market for games monetization crucial to shaping us.”stitched, CMO ATLAS interactive is a major Micropaymentanbieter for the digital entertainment industry and global gaming company counts among its customers. In addition to the mobile payment solution kanzaloo that the most important micropayment solutions for the sale of digital goods bundles, ATLAS interactive developed specifically for browser games provider Vreach, an automated voice message service for game memories. Also operates ATLAS interactive a platform company in the online games industry with to the release of games available, which is focused on the market in the Middle East.

Maria Mestraitura


Majority are residents in our territory, but also those not residing in the Basque country who want be home here, well because one of them is here, because they are their parents or for any other reason, emphasizes Mary. In such cases the possibility for all distance is salvation, since no be going and coming every time that wants make a management. On the portal you can search providers, information or use tools such as the stand’s tables, which resolved a click one of the issues that most of head brings to the intending spouses: the location of the guests at the banquet. According to Mary many tell us that before knowing the portal they prepared the wedding with Excel tables, where gathered the lists of guests and their distribution at the tables…and that we had to redo continuously. Why guests Manager or the stand’s tables are so successful in the assessment of the users. In the portal the bride and groom can also lead to day agenda of planning and performing an initial budget to make the same follow-up as they advance preparations, avoiding last minute surprises. the planning of expenditures in another classic headache, we all know how easy that is to get out than anticipated if you don’t control it.

According to this professional, the new portal responds not only to open ourselves to whole Euskadi and Basque public, but all the communicative possibilities that gives Web 2.0. And is that speed and comfort at the efforts are not the only reasons by those who are registered couples, but also by the possibility of knowing the views and experiences of other users. Therefore, the new platform is fully interactive and couples have the possibility to give ideas, comment, comment on any of its contents, and even edit your own blog. today’s users want to know how has gone them to others on their honeymoon cruise or what happens if you are planning a banquet in a tent and turns to rain. And is that is when looking for a wedding different or creative, the experience of others is a very valuable element to know in advance if a seemingly risky idea can be well. According to the Director of, the communication with the guests is another paragraphs that has changed the most. These can be partakers of the preparations through the Blog of the bride and groom, also collecting their views and suggestions. The specialization of the portal in the area of the Basque country, against the overall proposals, argues from the founders by the importance of providing full information of what moves in the sector, something very difficult to achieve if you do not know the environment and by differentiation in tastes and habits in each community, as for example the importance that we give in the Basque country the gastronomic paragraph of the celebration. Also this professional appreciates other generalized differences in styles of dress or classic tastes in this regard, stresses Maria Mestraitura, We have developed a portal here for couples here. Futurmedia forecasts for are optimistic; for the first stage is to be achieved in registered partners 25% of weddings that take place in the Basque country, which would be more than 2300 registered partners, although we think that in the future may be 80% who use the portal to organize your link, since more and more people are habitual users of the network and this is emphasized in the new generations. Original author and source of the article.

Analyzes Microbiological


In order to analyze and to verify the quality of the water through it analyzes microbiological in the Bacuri Stream, Empress, ME, Brazil. The Stream, was evaluated by a team of pupils in field who had selected 4 (four) points and at the same time had carried through 3 (three) collections in each place, being that this work was carried through in another occasion, totalizing 24 collections. In laboratory, these samples had been analyzed by the method of Most likely Nmero (NMP), for the technique of the multiple pipes beyond inoculated in plates of petri and taken the greenhouse for the development finishing with the antibiograma technique. The results had been positive for total coliformes as value of 85 NMP/100ml and for fecais 75NMP/100ml in 1 collects. In 2 it collects the results had been the values of 80NMP/100ml for totals and 75NMP/100 for fecais, what it indicates values above of the allowed one for the normative ones of the Sanitary Monitoring.

The processing of clinical specimens was carried through using procedures and ways of culture recommended by Murray and cols. (13). The specimens MacConkey agar, agar had been sown in selective way blood and inoculated in conventional atmosphere 35C for 24h. After that, tests had been carried through biochemists for identification of the bacteria in species level. Antibiogramas for Negative the intestinais bacteria Gram- had been carried through. In it analyzes quantitative the growth of the colonies so intense that it disabled the counting of the colonies, being was classified as countless, creating an extensive carpet on antibiotics. In other points of the stream bacteria pathogenic Clostridium had been found, Acinetobacter baumannii and aeruginosa Pseudomonas, both classified as countless. In 1 point 3 sample in 2 collects, had been found bacteria of the type: Staphylococcus aureus G+. Authors: Flvio Antonio de Oliveira Sousa Ana Claude of the Conceio Silva