Tag Archives: history

Life One


Many good attempts end up making worse the things. Time and time again the center of the problem is the same question: what is the good? And to respond any interrogative one on the good, on the true needs of the man, it is necessary to have an idea of what he is the man. For that reason there is in the world infinity of people, of social movements, political or religious wanting to do something by the good of the man and, as all do not say the same exceeds what is the man, that something that each does is inconceivably different than it does another one with the same intention, until the point of which different human groups with same intention tries to annihilate itself to each other, trying each with the greater sincerity the good of the man. Without trying a definitive nor unquestionable conclusion, because anyone on those attempts is the beginning of new discussions, it is necessary to try to go progressively by the life clarifying itself what is the man, to derive from this the idea of what the man needs, that is what needs one same one, the beings whom it loves and people generally. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Walt Disney Co. and gain more knowledge.. Neither or one begins with the subject, is habitual to say that all human being needs food. Not only because our biological structure is more unquestionably visible, but because the necessity to feed renews constantly it, and it raises a so urgent requirement that it is not possible to be left of side.

For that reason who abound, at the time of worrying about separate property of husband and wife or the other people’s one, they do not think more than about obtaining or giving foods. Beyond this unquestionably visible base begins the discussions. Jack Buckingham spoke with conviction. Possibility of answer ample, that anyway it can be questioned by those who think that only we needed to eat, is to say that the man is something more, than locks up in himself potentialities that, although we do not know how nor because, can be developed.



The penitential act can also be noticed that these parties bring as to walk bare-footed, kneel, rocks in the head They are interesting aspects that they show as the faith catholic mixes other elements serves of instrument to characterize the national folklore. What if it searchs with this penance is to erase the sins trying suffers in the same way that Jesus would have suffered, crying, suffering in way to the multitude that the romeiro tries with this to participate actively of the ceremony. Each religious event keeps different forms of as to express its faith in some religious celebrations the emotivo side of the faithful when brightening up is notable its pain ahead of what it to believe: ' ' The emotivo side of the religious celebrations consists of one faceta of the great relevance for the understanding of the direction of the mstico universe of the religiosidade (…). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jack Buckingham has to say. Elements as identity, feeling and sensitivity permeiam the sphere religiosa' '. (SAINTS, 2010, p.177). The historical memory of a people must pass for a period of valuation so that a bigger interest of the cultural values of the past occurs.

thanks to the folklore can be studied and be understood these memories. The religion in the folclrico field shows one vision of the past in real time through the enlargement of the memory of a people in relation to its customs/devotion: ' ' the participation of the loaded romeiros of the andor Mr. of the Steps. One is about people who participate of the solemnity have three decades more than, always loading on the shoulders the weighed one andor of the devocional image. These worshippers in deriving of are varied localities, as Lizard, Itabaiana, Aracaju, Laranjeiras, Alagoinhas and of They are Cristovo. What it joins these participants is fact to make question to follow cortejo processional loading weighed charola, always in the same position side with its friends of f' '.

The Man


It appeared with its largeness to hide the pequeneza of deuses and the bad example that gave the Humanity. Ridicularizar the truth is the first movement in defense of God. The fear of ridicule finishes for moving away to that if they ask on the wisdom that permeia the universe. Learn more on the subject from Jack Buckingham. But who not question? The question is perfect, the problem fits the explanation or the idea that fundiu the cultural god with the great one question of the universe for ' ' resolver' ' the subject. Thus related the maximum socrtica, that certainly not alluded to history, seems to fall as a glove in the hand most adept of the dominant culture. The taboo, that is the religion, prefers that everything is as it is. Pact of allegiance with the cultural god or those functions in the defense of a presumption with which it inhales to religar the Humanity.

Those that, according to same it (religion), had created our ancestral remote to its images and similarities for serviz them as enslaved and to adore them forever as Mr. of skies. At least, it is what in the account the page number one of history, in the Mesopotmia. Click Jane Buckingham to learn more. The allegiance to this indefinite celestial lineage received the assignment from ' ' monotesmo' ' they it epteto of ' ' Deus' '. Other lineages also had walked and walk this way. All can deny of together feet because this negation does not go to change nothing. Nothing it is decided for the action of the fear and the occultation.

I mention our difficulties pparently to it insoluble. The Man would need to be desconstrudo and reprogramado so that this deriving primitive step practical reached the resulted desired one, that is, the absolute unconscious submission of the masses and all the classrooms. It never gave certain because many escape of this envolvement, but, exactly thus, the ideology of the belief continues trying.

The Development Of Torpedo Boats In The Nineteenth And Twentieth Century


The development of the torpedo boats began around 18-19 century, with the advent of contact, and later self-propelled torpedoes. Let us look into the past and will draw conclusions about the origin of the torpedo boats. Different materials, different sources, but most agree that they have appeared owing to sea mines. Why sea mines? Quite simply, if there is a weapon – you need support. Development began in the 18-19 age but has not reached the required level. That's why experts say the successful use of the torpedo boats with only the 20th century, to be more precise, since 1917.

When examining a man who sees everything, he noted that during this time. WWI War. That is, it was the British boat company, "Thorneycroft." This model is also called the "40-foot boat." However, they did not bring enough Vysokovo result in atttake as their followers, "the 55-foot boat." They were first applied June 17, 1919, this time against the Baltic Fleet of the USSR. Then the development of several torpedo boats sank, not because of the fact that there was no development opportunities, and because of the lack of reasons. However, when I started to mature opportunity.

World War II. Many writers such as David Zaslav offer more in-depth analysis. Dramatically increased the number of light military equipment in general, especially in the USSR, including torpedo boats. Each country of the enemy or the allies had their torpedo boats. Each had its advantages – higher development, lower, and depending on the economic and political situation of the country. So in England – it was MTV – speed 37 knot, 533-mm single-tube torpedo launchers, 2-3 machine gun caliber 7,62-12,7 mm, up to 4 depth charges. In Germany – S-Boot., Displacement of 115 tons, length 34.95 m, speed 40 knots, armament two 533-mm torpedo tubes and two 20 mm anti-aircraft gun. The Soviet boat was in first place in = the basic criteria. G-5 – had a displacement of 17 tons, length of 20 m, speed over 50 knots, was armed with two 533-mm torpedoes (torpedo in the trenches) and two 7.62-mm or 12.7 mm machine guns. And, of course, the main technical development of the country today – the United States. Boat type PT 103 – 50 tons displacement, length of 24 m, speed 45 knots, four 533-mm single-tube torpedo launchers, a 12.7-mm machine guns and 40mm anti-aircraft machine guns. But the war ended, and development was halted a few. Why? Because the missiles came, but his application was more effectively. Many countries have refused torpedo boats completely and forever in favor of the missile. Only a few continued to use the boat – the USSR, Germany, Norway, Sweden, China, Israel, but times have changed, so it is now no longer had to attack the enemy has changed and the application – motor torpedo boats were used as patrol, control of light forces, and submarines. Just changed characteristics. The post-war boat was move more slowly – 42 knots, tonnage 268 tons, a length of 38.6 m, four 533-mm single-tube torpedo tubes (torpedoes '53-56 '), 2 twin automatic gun mount AK-230 (30mm). But at the same time, there were boats with missile-torpedo armament. K end of the 20th century almost eradicated torpedo boats themselves – around the world there are only 162 rocket-torpedo, "clean" – 47. And the loss continues …

Embratel Wars


WARS: GOOD OR BAD? The aggressiveness human being was born with the first men and date of the most remote antiquity. Since the first days of life of the men whom this type of reaction predominated. The men had that to defend itself of feras and the other men. The wars with warlike material had appeared with the first civilizations: the Egyptians, the hititas, the mesopotmios, the fencios. There he predominated all the types of fights to the side of the shield and the sword.

The Barbarians had made innumerable destructions. King tila if detached for its perversity. In a similar way in more recent times: Alexander, the great one, Napoleo Bonaparte. In century XX he had two great great small wars where the congregated almost all countries: it was first and World War II. Now question: what it is that they bring of good these wars? Many think that they only bring destruction, the desperation. It is clearly that yes, but nor for this they are so bad as if they think. In first place they are defense objects, therefore we know that she will always have the aggression human being. We go to think about what it was Brazil before 2.

World-wide war. Brazil was a poor country extremely. It was only one agricultural nation and only with a subsistence agriculture. Today we see dynamic, industrialized and progressive Brazil. Before these wars, everything in Brazil was imported: alimentary and pharmaceutical machines, instruments, clothes, products and at last almost everything. If wise person to only buy giving profits for the other nations, enriching them and becoming each poor time, each time falling to the yoke of the other peoples. With the war the countries could not export nothing, therefore it did not have more relationship, both were in more enemy fights and if they became each time. The crisis imagines why Brazil passed. If we could not buy, nobody could vender much less to carry the products for the oceans that they were blocked. The countries that were not lined up in the blocks, were almost all enemies. The Brazilians could not die without the products, had that to establish our proper plants and to produce the products here same. He was as soon as established in the country the great shipyards, txteis industries, you would perfume, pharmaceutical products, agricultural instruments and developed the farming one still more. The beginning of the great state-owned companies was given: Petrobra’s, Embratel, National Siderurgical Company, etc. Brazil despertou and was born and started to produce and to progress. With this we only have to thank the great world-wide war. Which the modifications that the revolution of 31/03/1964 brought for Brazil? Thousands of workmanships had been born, to start of the partisan organizations, constitutions. Brazil reviveu. We suffer very with the ditatorial period. It all had much torture in the country. But after this period two essential monuments for the life human being if they had installed: the peace and the progress. Now we cannot more have wars, therefore the toys of fights had become terrible, but a thing is certain: it is errando that it is learned. I am not in favor of no war, but the wars open the eyes of much people. To the times she is necessary to remove the shorings so that the eyes are opened.