This explains that the professor, exactly when he does not appreciate the study, feels obligation to transmit the taste for the intellectual life; exactly when mediocrely interested for the national things, it looks for to transmit feelings patriotic to its pupils. Of another side, the performance of a paper tends to produce certainties sincere and rare a contradiction is observed enters the presentation of the paper and what professor feels effectively. ' ' The relation professor – pupil does not limit itself to the presentation of different papers. A time placed in the classroom, professor and pupils start to constitute a new group, with a proper dynamics, and between them if they develop, many times, intense interpersonal relations. It is in that the process of perception and evaluation of personal qualities assumes an importance decisiva' '.
(PATTO, 1997, P. 300) As the idea displayed for the author, relative esteretipos to the race, physical appearance, social classroom, can premake use the professor to deal with its pupils form such that the expectations derived from this esteretipo finish in fact occurring. RODRIGUES (1999) emphasizes that esteretipos and preconceptions are part of a bigger package of social norms, these, in turn, they would be a set of one beliefs given community concerning the correct, acceptable behaviors had as socially and allowed. Still with RODRIGUES (1999), it can be reflected even so that all the individuals have all the qualities, in different ratios. The intelectualista trend of our schools tends to accent the values of the qualities of intelligence, over all is leagued, also, the qualities of social conformismo. In other words, even so the pupils are different, they are evaluated by the same standard, and are pointed out the qualities, positive or refusals, with regard to this dimension of behavior. PATTO (1997, p.313) standes out that: ' ' How much to the pupils the consequences of such deformation in the way are obvious to value.