Tag Archives: technology

The Lens


Another important fact speaks in favor of a color video intercom – the active construction of residential and commercial facilities “premium” class in Russia, and especially in Moscow. Installed in front of the building, marbled or other expensive facing materials, vandal-resistant call panel icky kind – nonsense! Much more effective it will look beautiful outside panel of the clock with brass or an elegant bar with an exclusive blue backlit information display and call buttons. Such panels use color cameras with normal lenses rather than the lens type pin-hole, which has a much smaller aperture, and hence the lower sensitivity of the whole system. As for the price. I propose to compare two option. The first – an elementary system consisting of a calling panel and monitor, and a second, more complicated option for cottage village of 30 houses with an individual outside panel in front of each house and the digital outside panel to the common entrance to the village. For comparison, prices for video intercoms comelit (Italy): system.

Black and white version entryphone Comelit worth 14,800 rubles, a color – 22900 rubles. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Andi Potamkin. Price ratio – 1.55 to 1. Including work on the installation and mounting materials (approximately) the total cost will be 19,800 and 27,900 rubles, respectively. Price ratio – 1.41 to 1. The cottage village. System using a black and white video intercom will cost 583,000 rubles, nonferrous – 833,000 rubles. Value ratio – 1.43 to 1. Including work on the installation and mounting materials (orientirochno) the total cost will be 783,000 and 1,033,000 rubles, respectively. Value ratio – 1.32 to 1. As can be seen, the difference between color and black-and-white systems, including the cost of the installation and assembly of materials is 30-40%. What do we have for this money? In the first place – to increase the prestige of your home, apartment, office. Modern models video phone, meet the most demanding tastes of customers to design, elegant appearance and ease of use, designers developed the world’s leading manufacturers in the color video intercom performance. The second – increasing informativeness color image.

It may be objected that their family member or employee of you will recognize in black and white version of the system. This is true, but modern video intercoms systems involve the use of multiple calling panels and additional cctv cameras, working with one or more monitors. In this case, you can observe not only the person standing in front of outside panel of human, but also their surroundings, the entrances to the garage, playgrounds, etc. where the color of your car or clothing of man can be very important. Summarizing, we can conclude the following: Modern color video intercoms systems recommended for use in a modern office or residential complexes, where important on the one hand and design consistent with the overall style of the room, on the other – means the use of video intercom system, cctv cameras, additional calling panels. Black and white video intercoms are good for apartments or small offices as a budget option. We hope that this article was interesting and useful for you. It is now preparing the next article on the topic of security equipment and security – an article about DVRs and access control.

Environmental Protection Klaus Toepfer


In particular, she noted that active measures for the protection of a threat to workers places and investment in Germany. Meanwhile, former German Federal Minister of Environmental Protection Klaus Toepfer refutes concerns that measures to protect the climate are a threat to the existence of jobs. He believes rejection of measures on climate protection in the eu is extremely shortsighted. Klaus Toepfer, said that climate protection can not be subject konyunkturno-political considerations. Robert Iger wanted to know more. Russians continue to suffer from a bad environment According to Environment Centre 'Dodo', referring to the Committee for Hydrometeorology, more than 70% of Russian citizens breathe polluted air, the harmful substance which exceeds the maximum permissible concentration. The special issue was devoted to Volga region. Director of Environmental Center 'Dodo' Kayumov recalled that among the most pressing problems of the Volga, the deteriorating water quality, air pollution, increase the number of deaths from diseases provoked by environmental factors. According to him, in Russia, 50 thousand people die annually from diseases caused by bad ecology. Discovery Communications may not feel the same.

Including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver, and allergies. He also noted that in the Volga region accounts for two thirds of Russian industry, so that environmental problems in this area are particularly relevant. Was awarded a prize for 'Best Environmental Project of the Year' on Thursday evening in Moscow were awarded honorary diplomas and special prize winners of 46 mep 'Best Environmental Project of the Year'. This award was established in 2008 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia to identify industrial, scientific and technical achievements in the field of nature protection and environmental safety. Robert Iger is a great source of information.

Infrared Heating


The heating system for infrared invention Chelyabinsk scientists have already patented and put into operation in several children's foundations. Mounted such ultra-thin film on the ceiling and the usual staples powered by electricity at 220 volts. Explains how it works themselves the inventors of the principle of direct sunlight or tanning only without the harmful ultraviolet radiation to health. Homemade sun for an hour can raise the temperature air at 10 degrees and it is at the lowest cost for electricity. With the normal timer can be programmed so that the battery did not work in the absence of people Rays go into sleep mode that is like night and day. A leading source for info: Robert A. Iger . Clever Battery yielded several victories to its creators at international exhibitions. Regulate the temperature of the door or window leaf, too, more is not necessary, the system is now controlled by a special counter, the empty space heated and will not pass on the standard mode.

Night temperature controller will connect the heating system if the temperature drops set on the counter values. Installation of infrared thin-film heaters ceiling cost by 1.5 times cheaper than carrying gas to the house. Electricity costs are about the – the winter is 80 sq ft, together with the appliances have to pay up to 2000 rubles for a room temperature of about 24 degrees. The only requirement is necessary when using radiant heating system – it is definitely a dedicated power, which must be requested from the energy supplying organization. Andi Potamkin is often quoted on this topic. Based on the calculation of 60 W 1kv.m ie 100 sq ft to seek 6 kW. Infrared film elements for the ceiling of the operating costs are comparable with the gas, they are ideal for both small and for the spacious rooms because they do not occupy valuable space.

They fireproof because their maximum heating temperature does not exceed 50 degrees, they require no maintenance and environmentally friendly. Also can set your temperature for each room and save if you are away from home expenses. Price 1000 rubles. sq ft – on 15kv.m area of 7 square meters of film.

Papua New Guinea


Thus, to trace the manifestation of global warming and predict what role it will play in the ocean flow, climatologists will be very difficult. The eu will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 3 percent, European Commissioner for Environment Stavros Dimas said the eu countries in 2008 have reduced emissions to the atmosphere carbon dioxide by 65 million tons to 2.06 billion tons. Thus, a decrease compared to 2007 was 3 percent. Dimas noted that these figures show that the European system of trading, which involves over 11 thousand industrial enterprises in Europe, quite effectively works. According to the European Commission, uk, Netherlands and Belgium have significantly exceeded their allocated quotas, while Austria, Cyprus, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden and Lithuania on the contrary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For even more analysis, hear from Discovery Communications.

We recall that the eu has unilaterally committed itself to the ” emissions by 20 percent by 2020. Coral reefs can not recover without help man President of the Global Union of coral reefs known oceanographer Dr. A related site: David Zaslav mentions similar findings. Thomas Goro thinks that having huge significance for the global economy and nearly destroyed the world’s coral reefs will not be able recover without human assistance, even in the most remote places. (A valuable related resource: Andi Potamkin, New York City). Despite the fact that the natural recovery of damaged coral reefs in the Coral Triangle is faster than in any other place on Earth because the strong currents provide a rich coral reef plankton food and disperse their larvae. However, by themselves have recovered only a few of the damaged reefs. In the Coral Triangle (the water in Indonesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea), which is considered the most diverse from a biological point of view of the world’s oceans, lives 75% of all species of reef-building corals, and three thousand of the 3,700 species of reef fish the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

In Currently, almost 95% of coral reefs degraded. Scientists believe that the need is not new research, and large-scale action, training of local people the art of restoring ecosystems and funding of work with local communities to restore the vanishing of the marine environment. After all, if you do not take drastic action now to save coral reefs in the future will not succeed. Scientists have recognized climate change, a major threat to health experts from University College London, together with doctors and climatologists have found that climate change poses a serious threat to health in the xxi century. The study authors believe that virtually all health problems will worsen in the background of climate change – from heat stroke and heart defects to salmonellosis and diseases carried by insects. But at the same time, with regret scientists, the impact of climate change on human health will never be imposed in a number of important issues of any organization in the health field. Only now the Royal Society of Physicians of Great Britain called the problem ‘number one priority. ” Researchers note that the increase in temperature of two degrees may already be a strong influence on the ecosystem of the environment and human health

New Year Fireworks


Surely most people are of the New Year the most interesting, fantastic, hilarious and massive celebration. This time we are surrounded by their good friends, relatives and friends. And directly to them, as well as many strangers we can show all his talent, imagination and professionalism, showing himself as an amateur pyrotechnics, give yourself and the rest of the fun and excitement of watching made their own hands pyrotechnics and fireworks. Need to remember all the traditions of such a significant holiday and not to dwell only on the consumption of large amounts of alcoholic beverages that night. Read more here: David Zaslav. Producing their own various explosives and devices that you are thus cultivating their technical and creative skills.

It's much more rational, beneficial and interesting than to give very limited funds to the factory China, which may disappoint you, and result quality, pyrotechnics, fireworks and firecrackers weak. Most importantly, having accumulated sufficient knowledge of science relating to a bomb, fireworks, smoke bombs, vzryvpaketov you get a chance to feel like the lord of the explosion and fire. By visiting our site, you will learn about the many recipes for the manufacture of pyrotechnic devices and accessories, allowing us to set goals, which previously seemed unattainable to you. David Zaslav gathered all the information. Commander of the explosion and fire, pyrotechnics, can perform various tasks, ranging from the transfiguration rather boring and banal interview with a girl, having presented her unusual present, ending with the implementation of the heavy mechanical work, demolition of walls and uprooting trees. Naturally such an occupation is unsafe, having risked their lives and health, so if you work in manufacturing homemade fireworks are responsible people are always strictly adhere to safety rules both general and for each individual case. Here the main analysis of failures and incidents from the experiences of others, staged planning their actions, Incorporation, and avoidance of all pending and possible negative factors that bring an already dangerous occupation heightened risks. All this is constantly kept in the attention and not be forgotten, but main goal is still the result of bringing pleasure to the creation and supervision in action pyrotechnics and fireworks made hard work with their own hands.. According to Goop, who has experience with these questions.

Microsoft Office


When you buy a PC, one of the packs that includes Windows is Microsoft Office. It contains programs such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel. So whether you seek work in a small office or for a large firm, a requirement that undoubtedly you will require, will be the knowledge of Microsoft Excel. If on the contrary you are an entrepreneur, this software will help you with calculations that you need to perform for your business. Do not hesitate to sign up for a course in Excel in Mendoza or anywhere where live, because you will be very useful.

What is Excel? Excel is a software company Microsoft, which is included in the Office package. It is a spreadsheet used for perform mathematical operations in a simple and automatic way. It makes it possible to perform complex operations and is capable of transforming numerical data into percentage graphics. Unlike the calculators, the operations that you do in Excel can also contain written data. For example the name of a client, what must and what takes subscriber of such debt. The data are entered in the so-called worksheet, which is the Excel Workspace. This sheet is composed of cells formed by rows and columns.

Numeric data, text and alphanumeric data, such as dates can be entered in each cell. Each worksheet can be saved and amended many times that it is necessary. So does Excel? Excel facilitates the tasks of large companies and anyone needing to do mathematics and operations accounting, frequently modify its contents and alter this form results, whenever you want it. This powerful software is used to perform mathematical operations in a simple way, but also to organize, edit, store and convert the results in graphics. Allow: or store different worksheets in a single file or book. or modify the data whenever necessary. or submit data in different types of graphics. or search previously stored data. or insert text and images. or access to extensive calculations accurately. or add rows and columns separately. Make a course of Excel in Mendoza or place you encounter at this time, will provide you much work. Whether you want to calculate the cost of a trip in the car, which cost each square meter of the House that you’re about to buy, make an assessment of income and personal expenses or working in a company manually posting a huge amount of data where take you several days, Excel make it possible. Excel can solve all these problems and more, in just a matter of minutes. You optimise your time simplificaras your life and your personal economy accounting. It is much simpler to learn how to use this program spend hours trying to make endless mathematical operations. Wait no longer and begins to discover software that simplifies the life of many people in the world. If you wish to make an Excel course in Mendoza, knowledge Foundation has the best professionals, so you can get trained. If you liked this article, share it. If you have a blog or website, you can link it or even post it on your own site.