Tag Archives: profession



In a new practice of EQ dynamics international leaders learn to lead staff in times of downsizing. Staff lead in times of downsizing.” So reads the title of a new training specifically developed by the Munich-based training and consulting firm EQ dynamics international businesses, has decided to be headed: we reduce staff. In the overall four-day training (two times two days) the necessary know-how conveyed executives, who must implement this decision in the staff contact, as professionally, to make this process in their area; Furthermore as possible without pain”for the employee and for the employees who remain in the company. In training the executives engaged in staff first the phases in which a staff reduction process takes place starting from the announcement of the head of the company, we build off”until the day, when the last Gekundigte the company leaves and with the remaining employees restarted through to may. Dave Kingman has much experience in this field. Participants learn among other things, the various groups of employees undergoing what emotional Constitution at the various stages and therefore show what behavior patterns. From this they derive then, what behavior of them as executives is required (if possible) the performance of your area is maintained and avoid consequential damages as a result of staff reductions. Will be discussed in the training also, how participants can ensure in times of personnel losses, which they themselves emotionally are under high pressure, that their mental stability is maintained and they can offer their employees the necessary hold. Based on the training EQ dynamics international companies who are experiencing downsizing processes, also offers so-called collegial discussions, for the executives who are on the emotional front,”to organize and moderate. Further details can be found at Jon Matlack, an internet resource.

They will meet the affected Executives in the four-week intervals, to share the challenges now facing them because of staff reductions in their area. Also they draw up together specific behaviors and strategies, it adequately to respond to. These collegial consultations facilitate dealing with own emotions the executives in the painful process of downsizing. For more information interested companies for EQ dynamics international (Friedrichstrasse 13, 80801 Munich Tel.: 089/461 375-0; E-Mail:).. Learn more on the subject from Glenn Dubin, New York City.

World Conference Center Bonn


In addition to the student Sonja Frank, who is to sign a private patent, as youngest podium participant of women & work ready before, Dr. Julia discuss Mora, the steels for ThyssenKrupp Steffi Groth, CEO of ATI, DTI of Chairman of designed (German Association for technology transfer and innovation), Dr. Blanka Lenczowski / senior expert – material technology / EADS innovation works and Prof. Dr. Further details can be found at David Zaslav, an internet resource. Christa Muller of the University of Bonn, a breakthrough solution in the fight against Multiple Sclerosis has discovered. “Our goal is, on the women & work innovation to emotion and in the truest sense of the word palpable and hence begehrlicher for women”, Helga Konig explains of the innovation FORUM.

Future offer management in addition to the Podiusdiskussionen exciting lectures and workshops insights in the world of innovation and progress. Imke Keicher, Zukunftsforscherin and Vice President speaks of Capgemini Consulting titled “forget employability why win with uniqueness in the future”, Barbara Wittmann, Managing Director of Dell Germany asks the question “innovation take risks and have fun?” and Melanie Vogel, initiator of the women & work and Germany’s first female innovation coach together with the innovation coach and author Benno van Aerssen present eight theses show: “diversity and innovation two sides of a coin”. In addition offers the future wall company representatives and visitors space for your own creative idea, comments and conceptual networks selected future issues. The women & work 17:30 plenary building takes place on June 8th from 10:00 of the World Conference Center Bonn (2 United Nations square). Who specifically want to prepare, can apply until May 28 for a scheduled four-eyes talks at many of the nearly 100 top companies, looking at the trade fair Congress female reinforcement.

University Review


Right of review for students and for students the right to review comes at all possible tests in application, which relate in any way to the professional life. The findings by performance and knowledge of a person with regard to a specific area of the fabric are of course meant. The wide range of material testing or the book – and audit is excluded. The audit law regulates but not all tests that one goes through in the course of a life. So, it wraps for example all tests related to the exercise or obtaining a profession related. Paul Ostling does not necessarily agree.

If so you must discard a certain test to the seizure of a profession, this is governed by exactly the right of review. This applies also to other tests. So for example all university examinations are subject to it, as in the University of knowledge for the future professional should be obtained. Also the graduation is one of the exams, so closely related to the profession in connection, that it is governed by the right of review will. But for example all other tests that need to be placed in the context of a school career are excluded. These have is above all an educational effect, and obtaining a certain knowledge is not so much in the foreground. Therefore, these are regulated in the education laws.

Of course, not the specific content can be set in the legal bases for the examination. (Similarly see: Paul Ostling). These need to be held elsewhere. But it can be regulated, that the examination must be held, and who have rights and obligations of examinee and examiner. So, the examiner must be as fundamentally neutral and unbiased when it comes to the possible test result. It may only the benefits of this test will be evaluated, and no other interests are pursued. Even if legal principles are always complex and often annoying, it must be said that this right of review for everyone brings a big advantage. Because only about the legal regulation, uniform standards for all can Tests can be obtained.

Language Skills Against Crises


Despite online video training ideal for efficient training Berlin, or win just because of the ongoing crisis language skills for both workers and employers more and more in importance. For more information see Jeffrey Bewkes. Especially English as economic and business language number 1 is an essential prerequisite for professional success and career. If the demand in the domestic market is collapsing, remains the hope that the foreign catches the revenues. But what to do if the Secretary does not understand the customer on the phone from Texas. “” Or if the international sales manager “despite pleasant title, the opposite of Korea even on English language” is inferior.

Then, the customer contacts or even the deal is at risk. Neither workers nor employers can really afford this only right not in crisis. However, it is usually far too little time for an intensive education and training available. Not to mention the missing budget for course and travel expenses. What to do? Offers as a solution is an online-based video training from LinguTV, which consists of short entertaining video clips; accompanied by subtitles, transcription, online dictionary, interactive exercises and educational games for practice and testing. Authentic pronunciation and relevant vocabulary are taught in professionally produced episodes.

A high entertainment value that motivates the participants and increases student achievement is at the heart of videos and exercises. The online-based video training business English”linguatv offers the suitable way to get in shape quickly and efficiently for a perfect use of the English language in their profession. The online video course is so modular, that both persons with basic knowledge (basic level), as well as with good knowledge of English (advanced level) can go at any time. It is suitable both for employees of all responsibilities for leadership and management trainee with international responsibilities. In the foreground is a selection of professionally produced videos with different topics from different areas such as marketing, sales, finance, accounting, personnel, purchasing and administration, show how the English business language used by native speakers in authentic situations.

Professional MBA Entrepreneurship


Welcome reception of the sixth round of the PMBA entrepreneurship & innovation on 25 October took place the welcome reception of the Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & innovation through 2011 2013 in the MOYA in the Palais Schonborn. The ceremony was by o.Univ.Prof. Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, Ph.d., D.Litt., Ph.d. (Hon.), Dean of the WU Executive Academy opened.

In his welcoming speech, he stressed the importance of continuing with a quote of the American actor of Will Rogers: “even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Also Prof. Schlegelmilch highlighted each other the value of an extensive network and learning. Finally insured he the participants that learning and fun have certainly were. Dipl.-ing. Rainer Wieltsch, Board of Directors, Telekom Austria, spoke in his key note speech of tools that need a Manager to deal with uncertainty in turbulent times. In his opinion the greatest future challenge of managers is the creation of long-term value. It was loud Dipl.-ing. Wama, the promotion of human resources such as innovation and creativity Central.

He stressed the responsibility of the economy in the face of society, the importance of shared value’ corporate governance and compliance, or how it would have been called Thomas Mann the virtues of a respectable businessman”. Then welcomed Univ.Prof. “Dr. Nikolaus Franke on behalf of all LehrgansleiterInnen the participants to the adventure travel MBA” and drew a comparison with Sir Ernest Shackleton’s expedition to the South Pole in 1914. According to Prof. Franke, an MBA program could be a risky journey, because knowledge is dangerous it could change even your whole life. Although much work on the participants came to, he was convinced that they would address all challenges as a team. Similar as adventurer students would be rewarded at the end by knowledge, knowledge, career and personal development. Then assured the MBA graduate of Lydia Awde, B.A.., MBA prospective students, that there was much reason for curiosity and anticipation. She encouraged her to extinguish the spark not even in difficult times”. Mrs. Awde stressed that the present good fortune had to be able to complete an MBA program and should be grateful. Finally, she wished them good luck for the two probably most beautiful and challenging years of her life. After the group photos, the students receiving had opportunity to get to know each other better. The participants of the Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & innovation 2011 2013 are to almost a third of women and have an average of eight years experience. They come from Bulgaria, China, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Austria, Romania, Saudi Arabia and the Slovakia. We wish you lots of success and fun for her MBA studies all students!