So it says in a document that it has made public this Wednesday. l the life of each person is sacred, also when it is weak, suffering, or is at the end of his time on Earth, says the Episcopal Conference. The Episcopal Conference warns that regulatory Bill of rights of the person before the final process of life, known as the death with dignity, could conceal eutanasicas practices. So says in a document that it has made public in which summarizes the conclusions of the meeting of the Permanent Commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (EEC), the first occurring after the renewal of the ctuada charges in the last Assembly. As reported in a statement, the bishops have studied the draft law, which the Government has submitted to Congress for its processing, and have adopted a declaration which will be entirely published Monday 27th. The same, recalls the numerous occasions that have made their voices heard to proclaim the Gospel of life, According to which the life of each person is sacred, also when it is weak, suffering, or is found at the end of his time in the land source of the news: the bishops warn that the death with dignity Act “could conceal eutanasicas practices”.