In order to analyze and to verify the quality of the water through it analyzes microbiological in the Bacuri Stream, Empress, ME, Brazil. The Stream, was evaluated by a team of pupils in field who had selected 4 (four) points and at the same time had carried through 3 (three) collections in each place, being that this work was carried through in another occasion, totalizing 24 collections. In laboratory, these samples had been analyzed by the method of Most likely Nmero (NMP), for the technique of the multiple pipes beyond inoculated in plates of petri and taken the greenhouse for the development finishing with the antibiograma technique. The results had been positive for total coliformes as value of 85 NMP/100ml and for fecais 75NMP/100ml in 1 collects. In 2 it collects the results had been the values of 80NMP/100ml for totals and 75NMP/100 for fecais, what it indicates values above of the allowed one for the normative ones of the Sanitary Monitoring.
The processing of clinical specimens was carried through using procedures and ways of culture recommended by Murray and cols. (13). The specimens MacConkey agar, agar had been sown in selective way blood and inoculated in conventional atmosphere 35C for 24h. After that, tests had been carried through biochemists for identification of the bacteria in species level. Antibiogramas for Negative the intestinais bacteria Gram- had been carried through. In it analyzes quantitative the growth of the colonies so intense that it disabled the counting of the colonies, being was classified as countless, creating an extensive carpet on antibiotics. In other points of the stream bacteria pathogenic Clostridium had been found, Acinetobacter baumannii and aeruginosa Pseudomonas, both classified as countless. In 1 point 3 sample in 2 collects, had been found bacteria of the type: Staphylococcus aureus G+. Authors: Flvio Antonio de Oliveira Sousa Ana Claude of the Conceio Silva