The human being never before was ahead of so great so important decision for the future of its proper race. We have two options, we can opt to emter a future, oupor another side we can leave everything as it is and only go seating in them and ficarassistindo for tev the next end to arrive. If to choose the first option, we will have work, much sacrifice sufficiently and will be able even though to fail. But we will have in the heart a feeling that never we will forget in this or in another life the feeling of that we were useful that we do not pass in they go for this existence. cal-book-report/’>Heart Specialist, then click here. That we will only have a long way that probably starts porns and finishes with our future generations therefore will have that to generate a world-wide awareness for this project. We will need the world-wide consensus for this fight: the fight for the preservation of our planet. Let us stop with the pollutants, we go to opt to actions more healthful as to leave the vehicle only for trips of rests or emergencies, to separate the lixos to be reused, to take banns more fast, disconnect environment light bulbs that will not be being used, to use stock markets of ecological materials to make purchases, to diminish the feeding in forty percent of what we eat, to reuse waters of lauderings of clothes to wash bathrooms and garages, to banish the spout, to wash the vehicle of ecological form, to implant systems of collection of solar energy for domestic use, to use walked or the bicycle to move if, to waste little waters, to eat little meat red, to deforest little and to plant more trees, etc.

Now is the moment to decide what you are for the planet angel or demon? Angel and demon, happy and poor fellow, rich and pauprrimo, the Man threat today the stability of its planet, puts its proper existence at risk. Per millenia, it has ignored the conditions of maintenance of the life in its world. Although it fights daily for the freedom, not yet it knew to construct a really free society. It builds a gigantic civilization but it runs the risk to destroy it in some minutes. Today Man acts as an irresponsible one and same with millions of years of existence and evolution, he acts as if he more than did not depend the nature created that it. We have the greater of the gifts our planet our mother Land we are children of the universe and of the Land and we do not respect nothing. This great blue sphere, that turns slowly supported for the arms of the universe, in them contemplates huge sinfoniaa nature. Musics of the waves of the giant and wonderful sea, in the forests, mountains, the fields, in a small lagoon, the flight of the birds, I sing in it of the whale, in the colors of a butterfly, the interdependence of millions of species of beings microscopes and giants. In the symphony ofthe nature a huge delicate complexity. I wait that the Men can give account who we have only one only mother Land and only one only possibility to move starts today and little by little goes moving to its redor and goes together to unidosmudar and to become angels of our planet.