The function of the school is to be mediating of knowledge and formation of a citizen. 13. Which the series that this working currently? I am gotten passionate by initial series has more than 20 years I am engaged in this process of alfabetizao and today acts in 1 series for nomenclature exchange 1 year. 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES When we relate in them in education, must without a doubt remember to us of those people who need and she does not have conditions to make, for example, a licenciatura of superior level therefore is obligation of the people who can make something so that in the future all see the education of a necessary form and that they search it each time more, all would have to think in the way as Freire of one forms well clear for the people whom more power has could see the necessity of the people. So that the things happen are necessary of one total contribution of all, so that we as confident beings in an education of quality, for Valdemarim (2004, P. 190-191) ' ' the professor is a pupil and the pupil is, without knowing, a professor and all considered good, better will be that, as much what of as what receives the instruction, has little possible conscience of its papel' '. It is important to emphasize so that the education happens is necessary that it has of both the parts that we were created of form that we depend one on the other and therefore having different opinions and in fact it is truth that the professor, also finishes learning with the pupil and is in this way, for example, that we learn to respect the opinions of the others.
One concludes then that, ideal pupil is not alone that one that takes off good notes, is what he takes the knowledge for its all life, because he is in it that its future is based, today who knows more is successful. Thus, the pupil will go it school to gain knowledge for proper itself and one day will have its carried through dream. It will respect its colleagues and professors, will help all whenever to need it, will follow its duties with caution, thus, will be able to have its invigorated rights, therefore he is respecting that he has been respected. REFERENCES BRASIL< PCN: National curricular parameters Secretariat of Basic Education. – Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1997. PAIVA, V.P. Pablo Freire and the national development. So Paulo: Graal, 2000.