Everything the people captured something, and there is no doubt that while it lasted was a great disorder by the possibility of war with the neighbour of poniente in times of very great famine. Details can be found by clicking Jeffrey Bewkes or emailing the administrator. The Barcelona House indirectly ruled Provence Since times of Charlemagne, but to the withdraw of Languedoc Toulouse count Guillermo de Orange, in 1022 (when Arnau de Torroja was born), the Languedoc were taking entity until Provence they claimed to have access to the sea. His Queen, call Gerberga, in the year 1110 married his daughter Dulce de Provence with Ramon Berenguer III. Thus the House of Barcelona merged with the Comtesse de Provence. Although the counts of Toulouse played almost two centuries later the possession of Occitan to the House of Barcelona, the fact that the clergy and the nobility supported the catalan count prevailed in favour of the Catalans in Provence. Those struggles lasted decades, with truces agreed and also unfulfilled, and this in spite of the dangers, since access to the Mediterranean was the best way to compare with the large European trade and policy.

Since he joined with Aragon, Catalonia was opened to the world with maximum guarantees. The creation of the catalano-Aragonese Kingdom called Corona de Aragon took place in 1162. In regards the Catalan international politics who lived Arnau de Torroja in the 12th century, it was a time that soon became dreadful for the Occitan, because in 1147 Pope Eugenio III sent a legacy to the count of Toulouse to stop the progress of the Cathars, but was unsuccessful. The Pope sent to those more full of freethinkers provinces their preachers in order to combat the expansion of the Cathar faith but considered heretics ever increased its influence in Occitania due to the protection of the Duke Guillermo de Aquitania, as well as the vast majority of the Occitan nobility. On the other hand the young Arnau knew well of the unstoppable rise of the Almohad Muslims in the southern half of the Peninsula (1147-1260). Exactly in 1172 consolidated his victory over the Almoravids (the second period of the taifas of the Al – Andaluz).Once culminated his puritanical Islamic spiritual reform, they proceeded to fortify Caceres, Badajoz and Sevilla, city that became its capital building in it (as in all his) top domains), showy