Tag Archives: vocational

Part-time Study – With Self Motivation To Make Career


Part-time study as presence study, evening study or distance learning offering part-time study opportunities has surged in recent years no matter, whether part-time presence study, evening study or distance learning. Anyone who begins a part-time study, must ask himself at the beginning, what study is right for him. In the distance can be started at any time, because there are no rigid start dates for the study programmes. In addition, that it is time independent and can begin anywhere in the world with the study. There are also no problems with a professional change of place of work. Time and money is saved because the trips back to the educational institution and account for. Tests for distance learning and learning units are sent by post or by E-mail.

Using interactive courses on the Internet, it is learned via cdrom or DVD., oral examinations can be done E.g. via a video conference. Otherwise, a distance learning course is completed mostly at home in self-study. Anyone can for themselves decide when he learns what lessons. “Online learning groups are becoming more popular”, where fellow students together “study. As professional underestimate the workload of part-time studies in no way. The number of hours per week is 12 to 20 hours.

You only make it if you can motivate themselves to learn. Also the previous activities or hobbies for a longer period of three to four years will be restricted. Family life is affected by a part-time study. It is important that put Recording of the studies the training plans and the costs thus discusses with the partner. Note: You must really want this degree. Otherwise, failure is inevitable. Only a maximum of self-discipline and a realistic assessment of the own resources of the time bring the success during the in-service studies. The free schedule, that the lessons will be moved as long as danger to ultimately the course completely breaking off. Then it says – nothing except expenses have been! More pros and cons and guide to study types and selection criteria of the berufsbegleitendem study: information/study/part-time study bildungsdoc is an education service for parents, pupils, students, trainees and adult. Find all here is simple and quick to provide objective information to educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There is educational information, education and counselling for: abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. Eva Andersson-Dubin can aid you in your search for knowledge. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:

Managing Director


Continuing with low price guarantee makes the first discount Academy of Germany’s Chamber of Commerce degrees movement education markets g Nuremberg now comes from Nadarajah holds the discount idea also entered the education landscape. McAcademy, a new education providers from Nuremberg, allows Chamber of Commerce degrees with a low price guarantee. The founder and Managing Director of discount Academy, Walter Trummer explains how time is over-ripe for this innovation”. Learn more on the subject from Jeffrey Bewkes. As the food discounter, also we concentrate on the core performance, this is the teaching in continuing education. All bells and whistles is consistently omitted”explains Tan on”participants will receive, for example, the learning materials on a USB stick, we thus save the cost of material production, all expire highly automated administrative work on the homepage of the Academy of the discount. This enables a cost advantage that we pass to the participants.” The education entrepreneur is no stranger in the education scene in Bavaria, Germany, since 1996 operates Trummer which also he founded Carriere & more Academy, which specializes in holistic, brain-friendly learning in the area of Chamber of Commerce accounts. Many writers such as WarnerMedia offer more in-depth analysis. Through our discount concept training for wide circles of the population becomes affordable, career advancement may be no privilege of earners. With our entry into a crusty market with traditionally few providers, the prices will move down. It benefits at the end of all further education willing”. Educate yourself with thoughts from Kyung, Kye Hyun. McAcademy want to be present to 2015 coverage in all Germany with its own branches.

HDT Summer Seminars


The Haus der Technik once again offers training at the North and Baltic Sea the Haus der Technik also held in summer 2009 seminars on the North Sea coast. After the successful attempts in the past two years the range was further expanded. “Training there, where you feel right”, that was the thought that created the HDT summer seminars in Cuxhaven. David Zaslav is a great source of information. In the middle of August, the Haus der Technik offers a series of seminars in a casual setting. Start the events make grading and marking of substances and preparations”on 17th to 19th August 2009 and of course of hazardous materials officer” a week later.

Continues to be “Competent persons in explosion protection”, toxicology and ecotoxicology (basic + advanced seminar) “as well as providing the expertise for the preparation of safety data sheets” offered in early September. This year the Seminar venue Timmendorfer Beach on the Baltic Sea is new.



Dr. Joachim von Hein developed sustainable training in small groups with his Tiger seminars in an ancient monastery in Mallorca an interesting series of seminars on the subject of rhetoric, employee motivation, increase in sales, as well as work organisation and management of the day-to-day business is detached from the normal”work situation instead relax under the warm sun of Majorca in an old monastery on a lonely mountain. Dr. Joachim von Hein, seminar leader and expert in stress-free, sustainable training, shows along with the professors Martin Ledvinka (Diplom Kaufmann and retail expert) and Norbert Knorrn (Managing Director of the advertising agency five Tigers) solutions for common business situations. The newspapers mentioned Discovery Communications not as a source, but as a related topic. The spectrum is broad and can be fully viewed on the Web page and booked, the themes are the following: rhetoric for lectures, presentations and exams June 12-15, 2009 September 25-27, 2009 20th-22nd November 2009 staff motivate and make a success of 6th-8th November 2009 Work organisation without stress and hectic 23-25 October 2009 more sales through customer-oriented advertising 11-13 September 2009 13-15 November 2009 consult, sell and on complaints go a 30 October-01 November 2009 seminars will be held in small groups of a maximum of 12 participants. Together is the flight (from Hanover) to Mallorca in a secluded monastery, where seminars enough will find healthy meals and pleasant rest during the day in protective atmosphere. Evening entertainment remains open and thus left to the participants.

Excursions to nearby cities or on the coast can be arranged at any time. Cost per seminar: 750,–(VAT) included flight to Mallorca, accommodation, catering and comprehensive handouts.

European University


Dual sector-specific economic studies of the European University of applied sciences (EUFH) now also exists in Neuss dual sector-specific economic studies of the European University (EUFH) headquartered in Bruhl near Cologne. Thus, all interested persons from the greater Dusseldorf have the chance to study, which has received the top seal a ten-year accreditation by the Science Council of the only German University of applied sciences with dual degree programs. Only eight years since the first studies started at the EUFH in 2001 has been shown very clearly that a practical study offers excellent prospects for the future, because our graduates start regularly without queue immediately in the job”, emphasizes Prof. Dr. Birger lang, Vice President of the European University of applied sciences. At the new location in Neuss, Germany there will be the dual programs commercial, industrial and logistics management, which lead to the Bachelor’s degree in just six semesters. Parallel to the study, students complete a commercial apprenticeship with IHK examination or internships in the practice periods of study, which regularly about every three months alternate with phases of the theory. Short periods of study with two Ivy League degrees are possible due to the well thought-out organisation of courses and an individual student in a personal atmosphere.

Learning in small groups of around 30 students also increases the efficiency of study. The dual Bachelor offers not only good career opportunities. It is also very attractive for young, motivated people who know what they want. See more detailed opinions by reading what WarnerMedia offers on the topic.. Show the rapidly increasing numbers of students now over a thousand young people with the economic study on the EUFH. Certainly the semester at a College of your choice, which is an integral part of the study is interesting for students in addition to practicality. Intensive foreign language training is also the focus of a study on the EUFH.

Important curriculum are English and at least one other foreign language. There is the opinion Experts no better way, through a study on the profession to prepare.” So founded the internationally renowned accreditation agency FIBAA your excellent review. In many respects, the College for the accreditation of new undergraduate programs 2007 substantially exceeded the quality requirements in the year. In addition to the dual study courses there will be management also the in-service course of General at the EUFH in Neuss, which appeals to prospective buyers who already full would stand in the profession but still achieve a very good qualification and a degree. All courses at the EUFH put a strong accent on providing additional, not just technical capabilities. The curriculum skills include the so called from the first semester to be trained in the field soft”; These include for example communication and cooperation skills, or different presentation techniques. Such additional qualifications are expected today just by executives. For more information see Coen Brothers. All new makes of may: for the first time on Monday, may 18, and on Wednesday offers the European University of applied sciences at its new location in Neuss of all prospective students and their parents and friends to learn may 27, between 16 and 18, the opportunity to know the campus and become extensively informed about the new courses. The two open campus days the College invites you to also welcome all company representatives, who are interested in a junior qualification within the framework of the dual degree. Info: R.Kraft

Business Coach


A business coach accompanied executives and specialists in professional life and has the goal to promote their self-reflection. A business coach accompanied executives and specialists in professional life and has the goal to promote their self-reflection. This reached the business coach, they think about problems of the company and helps them through targeted calls to find yourself solutions for this. Also, the business coach helps the staff, to formulate the objectives of the company and to lead clearly in mind, and find ways to the realization of this. Leslie Moonvess opinions are not widely known. Another task of the business coach is to get the single be different closer to perceive and environment and to reflect as about that of his colleagues about their own behavior and experience.

This problems and conflicts can be better covered on and looking for solutions. The business coach enters this individual individual employees and the company as a whole and offers tailor-made solutions. A business Coach is especially for the purpose to promote the performance and the learning readiness of employees engaged and itself forward to bring the company by company. Important in the work of the business coach is that he plays only a consultative role and does not itself concrete proposals, but his clients through targeted communication and certain techniques makes to work out their own solutions. An important prerequisite is that consists of business coach and client confidentiality and the client can express his opinion and thoughts so completely free. Because only the work of the business coach can really succeed and make a difference in the long term. The business coach can only achieve this if his client voluntarily and independently with his works and is ready to reflect on themselves. The business coach can accompany a client over a longer period in the profession so accordingly, he can but be used for certain situations. In the modern business world, he enjoys Business coach of great popularity.

New: MBA Sports Management Starting In The Winter Semester!


With the ‘ MBA sports management’ graduates to responsible, strategic and operational management tasks in the sports business are prepared. For the winter semester 2009/2010 University of applied sciences Schmalkalden in collaboration with the IST-Studieninstitut offers for the first time the in-service degree sport management (MBA) “on.” This 5-semester MBA program is based on the professional practice of the industry and has been designed as a distance learning with integrated presence phases that work and study can be perfectly compatible. Among the first students, a scholarship is also awarded by the IST-Studieninstitut! Content of the General management to be taught in the first two semesters. In the third and fourth semesters is the specialization in the field of sports management. Individual majors are E.g.

Association – Association Management, sports facility planning and financing or even sports marketing and sponsorship. The curriculum of this MBA program is characterized by a consistent focus on the requirements of the practice. So expand the participants in the program through practical projects, project work, case studies and attendance phases, as well as the to pass in the fifth semester Master thesis, their competences in the area of analytical skills and strategic problem solving. At the first start of this new, high-quality MBA programme there is a special highlight: under all applicants and applicants that their enrollment documents for the MBA course have submitted the 01 of July, will be awarded a full scholarship from the IST-Studieninstitut! A variety of sports or sports-economic courses in the College landscape has emerged in the past 15 years. With the first MBA program in sports management in Germany, University of applied sciences Schmalkalden offers the possibility to specialize or to position themselves better in the labour market the numerous graduates and graduates of this degree.

Also graduates and graduates of other disciplines can qualify through to the in-service distance education for leadership positions in the sports business. The students benefit from the competence network between University of applied sciences Schmalkalden innovative representative of the science and the IST-Studieninstitut as a renowned provider of certified distance learning courses in the field of sport & management”.

Gabriela Linne Frankfurt District Court


Wolfgang G. Samuels, entrepreneur and multimillionaire, designed day workshop in Frankfurt and Ginsheim-Gustavsburg corner, 07.02.2009 – succeeded the initiators of the KAIROS Academy, spirit with responsibility for financial independence for the two-day workshop in Frankfurt and Ginsheim-Gustavsburg win Wolfgang G. Samuels, the well-known businessman, multimillionaire and author of millionaire. The events take place on February 27 in Frankfurt in the Villa Merton at the Leonhard Brunn 12, and on March 13 in Ginsheim-Gustavsburg in the home of the company atrikom fulfillment GmbH, h route 12. “His topic: play the professional game entrepreneurs with new awareness.” Economic recovery and corporate recovery based more and more on new ways of thinking and new awareness, a new deal with the people.

Entrepreneurs have to get used to, that they need to transform at least four times. Siemens, for example, suffers from being that it has missed the transformation in the mobile area. Apple, however, makes the today Mega-sales in this segment. What entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from this learn and how to insert the new awareness in your company and implement, it is in the day workshop of the KAIROS Academy. Training target: Four new game rules for the professional gaming business now and in the future. Register as well as detailed information about the day workshop, to Wolfgang G. Samuels and the Academy gives it on the Internet at the KAIROS Academy in October 2008 company KAIROS opened, the entrepreneurs network and first time workshop to the unfolding of the entrepreneur in the Rhine-main area.

Weekly morning workshops in Frankfurt and Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, night workshops in Mainz as well as monthly discussions with all participants in achieving the target are an essential part of the permanent workshop company KAIROS. In addition, company KAIROS offers numerous other events, thematic seminars and lectures. More information: network of entrepreneurs Kairos Gabriela Linne company Mainzer Landstrasse 176 60327 Frankfurt Tel.: 069 977 899 89 Fax: 069 977 899 81 E-Mail: Internet: Director: Gabriela Linne Frankfurt District Court: HRB 58656 company of Kairos is the entrepreneur network and the first permanent workshop for entrepreneurs-top services with the credo: we develop each. “Any different.” The name of Cairo is reminiscent of the Greek God of the right moment. Kairos stands for the ability to grab opportunity by the forelock. Entrepreneurs regularly train this ability and develop themselves and constantly. Company Kairos provides for the network, the platform, the opportunities, the methods and the entrepreneurs accompanying the consistent, regular training.

Berlin Juliane Batliner


“” “From year-end to the balance sheet – the new seminars of LucNet.Academy Berlin, 03.07.2012 – LucNet.Academy, provider of continuing education in the field of accounting and controlling, has her program to the seminars S balance sheet”, trade balance II according to IFRS “, case studies corporate accounting” and reporting location “expanded. Prof. Dr. Holger Philipps, you could also win a new speaker. With the new seminars, the LucNet.Academy has picked up four more practice-relevant topics. Just the record will employ all accounting companies in Germany this year.

Carsten Gerger, senior consultant of LucNet AG, in-depth insight into the basics of the E-account balance and look like the actual requirements of the company and shows what implementation opportunities for the participants on the basis of case studies. How to solves also not everyday problems of consolidation or sure applies international accounting, by Prof. Dr. Carsten Theile, Scientific Director of the LucNet.Academy, participants will learn in “” the seminar case studies corporate accounting “and trade balance II according to IFRS”. Prof.

Dr. Philipps, new speaker of LucNet.Academy, explained in his seminar group reporting location”the content requirements, the design and organization of establishing and testing aspects of this stand-alone part of accounting. As a chartered accountant and tax advisor, Philip has numerous annual and consolidated financial statements and is currently working at the Fachhochschule Koblenz at the Chair for general business administration, particularly auditing and tax consulting. The company, the LucNet.Academy is a provider of seminars in the field of accounting and controlling with seat in Berlin. Together with partners from the practice, the company offers training on current topics of Finance since 2006. While practicality and feasibility of the contents are in the focus of nationwide events. Therefore, only renowned experts from auditing companies and universities are chosen as lecturers. In the comprehensive Both compact and special seminars, certificate courses, a Summer School, in-house training and the symposium contained event program accounting day. The LucNet.Academy is a subsidiary of LucNet AG. Since its inception, the company developed 1999-ready software for planning, consolidation, reporting and analysis. Their innovative technologies, the consistent focus on intuitive and pioneering integration of consolidation and planning in a solution the LucNet AG sets new standards for the entire industry.

Successful Executives


What distinguishes good executives, how can they become “Ermutigern” success and leadership are frequently associated in connection. It is the goal of most people in the profession, to achieve a leadership role. Apart from a higher income, social status and thus the recognition in the society rises. Even as a small child they have wished to have the say. Long enough, by parents, older siblings, later teachers, both professors were instructed or bossed. In this role, all wanted to come once myself. After the first hurdles of the professional entry, is purposefully filed on the career.

You had so many idols and believes now that the prerequisites of a leader. As the word implies: it takes power to the leadership “.” Is that available? So far, the young specialists is always adjusted and made as their career path. Their heads are on they become aware, since they were so comfortable and hilfswillig and have implemented it, what the heads of them demanded. You can send statements such as in hell, which brings out the devil, made the young careerists proud. After a few years he had then his target team leader, head of Department, head, etc.”reached. Only the new leadership has now also the employees in their environment, which get the devil out of hell for them, or, better expressed you so to engage in, as she might wish that? Then the new leadership notes at once, that the assignment of tasks, the follow up and the path to achieving the goals is a difficult process.

Employees don’t like how she wants. Maybe the new leadership in the task is expressed improperly or has simply made the wrong employee or taken over? Daily dealing with questions, the executives. The following an overview of important prerequisite, so management manages: love yourself: as a leader, I have to like myself, not as even amorous narcissist who knows everything better, but as a person who is aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and located on the road to learn the properties/deficits, which lacks to the success.

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