Retailers. Many companies obtain to grow prescriptions quickly when the prices of pra there low sales play. This is good? The extreme increase of the practical one of? dumping? it comes making with that these companies forget the part income-producing it business: ‘ ‘ To gain dinheiro’ ‘. To play pra the there low price of sales without foreseeing operational the necessities existing causes future financial crises? The edges do not cover the costs. To practise? dumping? it is an operation that it needs to be folloied of close and with strategical planejamentos? The operational costs continue increasing. It said Michael Porter, book author diverse on competitiveness strategies and professor of Harvard Business School: ‘ ‘ A COMPANY WITHOUT STRATEGY MAKES ANY NEGCIO’ ‘. Five are the main factors that practise influence it of? dumping? negative: 1? Not to know which the operational cost of the business; 2? Not to know the deduction of the existing tributes of the business; 3? Not to follow the yield of the business; 4? Not to diversify the mix of products of the business; 5? To beat the price of the competition without a good negotiation of purchase? The most practised.

All company needs to grow, since that, inside of this growth a healthful yield for the business exists. To change figurinhas was thing of the past. They think about this.