What the dog is the best friend of the man! I gave, it announces and it spreads everything and each one of the images of which you have been witnesses. Everything is so wonderful that, of course, it does not have to be been silent. But hazlo as if one was a game, that is to say, nor you lie, not even you describe the truth, nor you explain, not even you engage in a dialog You will have to serve you as this stratagem that never fails. ran the year, what gives more. It can today be, it could yesterday be, and it will be able to be tomorrow. The children always are young, and we must want them and respect them, then they are matchless harvest.

Oiluj- left of 14 years of age to take a walk by the environs of the field small house where it passed the ends week, in company of its ancestors. Robert Iger is full of insight into the issues. He walked escorted by his faithful dog " Naybet" , that it licked to him in his cheeks, like when kisses of charity between brothers occur. I tripped over him, and I said to him: " Where you go with as much haste, boy? Perhaps, to enjoy the field in this day off, so beautiful, so glad ". " Of course, Mr. Zepol. You already know how I enjoy the nature in company of chucho " , I affirm. They had not happened more than two hours, when the likeable one of the boy returned at the speed that their legs gave him, and, apparently, its fears, dice the semblante of scare that presented/displayed its face. " What succeeds youngster to you? " , I asked to him. " You will see, I have drunk water in the source of Nas Odnesor, and, next, I heard a voice like coming of the sky " , it answered to me.