Bubble wrap is also called bubble wrap bubble wrap is a common packaging material with low density which consists of plastic (polyethylene) and the variable structure for the different transport requirements of individual industrial activities is suitable. Depending on the desired power rating can be selected between two – or three-ply bubble wrap which also has different properties. The upper position is the function of a film. In the lower or middle foil bubble are incorporated on a regular basis, achieving the various protective functions. The three-layer air cushion foil distinguishes itself by a second cover and optimally protects shipping items.

Bubble wrap is used among others in the packaging of fragile and sensitive items. Depending on the type of goods to be delivered can, colloquially sometimes called bubble wrap, plastic cushioning against impact damage or void fill against denting of the Package or packet is used. . Still, this packaging material protects against unwanted movements of the product during the transport. Excellent protection against scratching and breakage of the goods to be delivered is thus secured. Anti-static bubble wrap can be used for the delivery of electrical equipment. It also prevents static-electricity discharge of the goods. PET/aluminium coated bubble wrap is available as a solution for the transport of sensitive goods, which impact by temperature fluctuations should be avoided for available. To provide the optimal solution for the most diverse products each, can be chosen from bubble wrap with different sized air pockets. The thickness of plastic foils can be selected still in bubble wrap.