Why to the tarot Tarot Gitano also told A Gypsy tarot often tend to refer to as a Gypsy tarot tarot. This is because its historical origin, and its growth as an activity of various cultures around the world. The origin of the tarot undoubtedly can be placed in the Egyptian civilization, more than 30 centuries before Christianity. It is attributed to Thoth, divinity of letters and languages creating major arcana and their graphical representations. But the Egyptians were who distributed the Cartomancy in their migrations from the Near East to central Europe. The first manifestations of the Egyptian tarot in modernity dating from the 14th century. Fluid trade that had been keeping with Middle East and Asia minor because of the Silk Road and the spice trade, led to the dissemination of the circulation of letters, and thus began to be attributed, wrongly, the origin of the tarot to Gypsies. This town is undoubtedly one of which most has developed and contributed to the construction of the theoretical body, studies and practices of the tarot.
By some reason, Gypsies have always managed to find the way to link what is beyond the obvious with the Affairs of this world, and your preferred way to do this is through the Gypsy tarot. The Gypsy tarot consists of 22 older arcane, as the Egyptian, only tarot that certain differences can be seen in the graphic representation of the arcana. For example, the clothing with which it is usually represent the figures is inspired by common clothing of the middle ages, as well as accessories that decorate the figures. Later authors are reminiscent of the Gypsy tarot in Greco-Roman mythical figures. And this is natural that happens, given that the same Egyptian religion was inspired by these deities.
For example, the force, as the Egyptian Tarot cards arcane, finds its origin in the Greek deity of Cyrene, the Huntress. Cyrene was living in the forest, surrounded by an Entourage of women, and was a gentle Shepherd, until one day she was forced to fight hand to hand with a fierce lion that ate their livestock, resulting triumphant in this confrontation. Without However, in the Gypsy tarot, depicted with clothing of the middle ages. Thus, in the form of the Gypsy tarot is as he became known in the whole world. And the Gypsies were responsible for converting a practice until then reserved to hermetic and scholars, teachers in the activity that all realize today, and which we call Gypsy tarot. The Gypsy tarot adds to the 22 major arcana cards of Spanish deck with its four sticks, but in a version in which each club has 14 cards. Therefore, both sets of playing cards, arcane elders and minors are used in traditional Gypsy tarot chucks. Jesus Leal original author and source of the article