Company Cashrollen focuses on healthy cash register rolls according to media reports, obtain some supermarket cash register rolls of dealers, whose Papier have an excessive proportion of Bisphenol A (BPA). The synthetic substance is hormone-active with estrogen-like effect. Similar to the female sex hormone (estradiol) it affects the hormonal State of the human body and can lead to health burdens. The cash register rolls retailer Cashrollen sells therefore only cash roll products that are classified as safe. The healthy recipe”of the Hamburg-based company is that it opts for high quality and toxicological virtually uncontaminated paper. For around 50 years, medical research focuses on the health risks posed to humans in contact with the substance of BPA. The recent scientific findings show that a daily intake of 50? g/kg body weight is tolerable. BPA also occurs in food.

The European food safety authority (EFSA) concluded however, that the amounts transferred to the people below the tolerable upper intake level remains. Thus, a sufficient safety clearance for consumers, including infants and fetuses is guaranteed. Exceeding this value, as at the cash register rolls studied in the laboratory, were observed adverse effects to the human body. Whether in contact with cash register rolls a health endangerment, thus depends on the total amount of BPA as an ingredient. The BPA content in the Thermokassenrollen of Cashrollen amounts to less than two percent and thus meets the provisions of the food and supplies subject to law (LMBG), which was confirmed by toxicological and physical examinations. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Paul Ostling has to say. Cash register rolls dealer in frequent contact the practical use of Thermorollenpapiers from hamburger does not entail adverse reactions the dermatological analysis at a University Clinic to 20 test persons The supermarket visitors has a Entitlement to safe receipt. Therefore, we offer our retailers only Thermokassenrollen which comply with the legal requirements regarding the share of BPA. The customers at the ticket offices of our market partners receive only healthy “purchasing documents.”, explains Martin Damaszek, Managing Director Cashrollen.