Tag Archives: education

The Formation Of Information Culture In The Learning Process


Humanity over the past decade, faced with a fairly serious problem – in this information boom. We have fully come to know all the "charm" when dealing with large flows of information. Having the opportunity to access global information space, thanks to various online services, you can work at home with the libraries of the world, with materials of dozens of newspapers, journals, theses materials and so on, you can almost instantly establish communication with any point of the planet and communicate online with people from different countries, in the end, just to get higher education. (As opposed to Walt Disney Co.). But it must be able to rapidly process the information and put processing results, where they easily can be found at the right time. Otherwise benefit from this information will not be greater than that of trash, and we will get the information we need and do not understand at the same time its value and meaning.

Modern, intelligent and educated person should be able to navigate in large information flow. In September, the experimental groups of first year students studying remotely in VyatGGU, Kirov, was invited to several tasks: to roll textual information through a graphical systematizer; reveal the content of the text presented in a flowchart or matrix, to analyze text and determine its reliability; develop a graphical or table model of the processes to perform the classification of the proposed concepts, working in a group of rationally allocate roles and scope of work, etc. Andi Potamkin, New York City often addresses the matter in his writings. Unfortunately, with assignments handled less than half the students. Almost similar results were obtained in experimental groups of high school students. It may be noted that the education system as students and students of such techniques activity is not formed, resulting in an insufficient level of information culture of both students and pupils.

Hellenic Republic


And it certainly was, if not primary, then at least one of the first causes of Adamantios Koraisa, who developed the so-called "clean" language – kafarevusa gloss. It happened in the early years of the xix century. According to Koraisa Greek would have to be exactly the way he presented it in his work if he was a natural development, devoid of the influence of foreign languages and dialects. When Greece was liberated from Turkish yoke (1821), the language kafarevusa became the official language of the country. Folk same language, wearing the name "" used for communication. Arguments about which of the languages right did not go up until 1976. This year was declared the official language of Greece .

But to say that the official language of the Hellenic Republic was established conclusively there is no way. So, given all above, and the Greek language can not be attributed to natural language in its pure form. The origin of most of the words any of the existing language has its origins far back in time. However, some words have their own labels. Details can be found by clicking Robert Iger or emailing the administrator. For example, is the author of the phrase "disheveled feelings," Karamzin invented the word industry.

The vocabulary of the Turkish language by almost 40% composed of invented words. On vocabulary and grammar of the Turkish language is strongly influenced by Arabic and Persian languages. In the XVI-XVIII centuries vocabulary Turkish language contained many Arabic and Persian borrowings and only grammar remained Turk. In the 30 years of the twentieth century was carried out language policy, which resulted in the displacement of borrowings from Persian and Arabic words, and they were replaced by Turkic words. However, it was a mother-in is not all. Along with the introduction of native Turkic words, it was suggested to use the words of dialect forms of language and all kinds of neologisms, which are formed by existing roots, and suffixes. Articles in newspapers and magazines written in the beginning on the Ottoman language, which included drawing, and then translated into the language by replacing novoturetsky borrowing neologisms or Turkic words. So, by the end of the twentieth century readers Turkish press and literature is no longer understood written in the pre-reform, the text without translation. And the reason for this, not only in the fact that the Arabic alphabet was replaced by Latin, but that the syntax of the literary language has changed radically, as has changed its vocabulary. So way, we can see that the literary version of any language to some extent artificial, despite the fact that the spoken language option is natural.

Sales Training


Shabby talk to business sales training during the break was found out a couple of fun things. two members Business treninga’zaslali ‘to understand, order of corporate sales training or not, and one girl, Catherine Demko, she was business manager of the company’s “Organization of time.” It was interesting to see how work colleagues. ‘One of my favorite coaches – Alexander Solomatin of companies’ Mainstream ‘Daughter’ Ecopsy consulting ‘,’ – Catherine confessed. According to Demko, once one of his clients complained that more than a year he does not can arrange a personal meeting with a potential buyer – he finished with a polite refusal. Solomatin unexpectedly agreed to participate in negotiations and surprisingly easy to not just an appointment, but that same day, helped make the transaction. ‘Beautiful theory training for sales in Russia often do not work’, – said Vasily skeptical , Supervisor of culinary experts from the companies ‘Unilever’. He told how, after learning the art of sales in the companies ‘business sales training’ with his friends took the coach to the nearest restaurant, where they tried by all the rules to sell mayonnaise.

‘I will not buy’ – waving his arms chef. When asked why laconically replied: “Too mayonezisty you have it.” But volgogradets Ivan Kolosov, executive director of the entertainment center ‘Kinopleks’ refers to the training favorably. According to him, a theory which is given by classroom, helping themselves to understand the minutiae and intricacies of the business. For example, the prescription of algorithms, that he learned at training sessions of the Moscow Institute of examination and testing, helped him in the implementation system iso 9000 in the home of the company.

Internet Topic


Theme is simple enough on the one hand the fact that the internet is full of sites opportunity to browse and even download an abstract or course work. In a question-answer forum David Zaslav was the first to reply. But there are moments when the topic of the essay, term paper so rare that you can only find some excerpts on the topic and then search becomes a real problem. In recent months, John Stankey has been very successful. Solutions to this problem can be found only an extension of the search radius and the possible types of materials which may be fragments, part of the topic required essay, term paper. On this score there are a few recommendations: 1. Write a list of the most big and medium-quality sites where you can download papers and coursework. To search, you can use search engines Google and Yandex – queries can be used: ‘to download summary free’ ‘download free coursework’ ‘Bank of essays’ is the most popular queries on them and leave the strongest sites. Better to write in quotes, because it gives exact entry phrases in the search results. Once you see the results of all three phrases (‘top 10’ first sites is sufficient) to create the file.

Txt or add to favorites The best sites – pc. 10 it is sufficient for them to be 99.9% all work that is on the Internet, since the other sites use to create their databases. 2. Register in the search for Google and Yandex query: ‘essay on the subject ‘ ( – Your theme) ‘course on the subject ‘ ( – Your topic) if such topics are not there we can take write in the search” themes of the work plan – perhaps there are articles, notes, etc to your sub-topics from which you can add jobs. 3.

Use of the book. There are lots of books that you can use the search pomogut.Dlya so nazyvaemmye ‘torrent tracker’ which is a huge database of free content, including educational material. To search can use the word – ‘torrent’. And another important note – The torrent tracker search not the same as in popular search engines and require precise occurrences of the word, at once, without quotes, mistakes. According to recommend first to register the name of the required books in the Google search napimer, and then finding the exact name – to use the torrent. In this article, I cited the most common methods of searching essays, term papers.

Generate Reviews


You have ventures online is to be aware of the latest in internet, at least within our niche market, and if we manage a blog with articles related to the same after a while we generally want to achieve is to generate revenues from our work as bloggers. One of forms more usually used by webmasters who already have a determined time and experience online is writing articles for review of any service or product, what we know as review in English, to generate income derived from reading this article. Ways of doing reviews are varied, but generally most share some characteristics. In this article I will try to show you some of them, for which a review is known as such:-make review first implies already having a certain time in your niche market, since to achieve a necessary review of the quality and credible is having tried or researched products similar to the ones already analyzing. Check with Discovery Communications to learn more. With time to review is just one more way of exposing our sincere opinion of a particular product on our blog, so that thereby we may help our readers to a more appropriate choice and that more benefits you. It has been proven that the majority of readers read any review of a particular product before deciding on the acquisition of the same, thereby ultimately your review exposes your experience and credibility at stake, which is not little if what we want is to have some influence on line. -The correct choice of a product to then make a review is essential, mainly we must try it on products that already you have tested us, or in any case about products of which we have already carried out a rigorous investigation, remember that your name and credibility is at stake. -Always preferable to begin by presenting the product, its characteristics, scope, limitations and showing the benefits that we can provide the same purchase.

Basic Classification


To speak of classification is necessary to the concept of class, a class is a group of elements that share key characteristics with each other. The classification must meet two conditions, an element can belong to two classes or groups and each element must be located in any class. The classification has several applications, allows you to organize ideas, to recognize relevant and irrelevant aspects, it facilitates the identification of essential things to memorize and use aid more accurately reported. The conceptualization of thinking is a skill that allows the abstraction of objects ideas, phenomena, theories, among others. The conceptualization through other processes, since the concept is the basic element of thought. The newspapers mentioned Paul Ostling not as a source, but as a related topic.

Do not confuse the concept with definition. The concept is a general representation abstract of an object or situation, which may be related to other, forming a significant network. While the definition is a statement which expresses the properties of the concept and is therefore most timely. In other words, a student may have the notion or the concept of content although it fails to define or verbalize. Margarita A.

Sanchez defines as "an abstract entity that, under a name, group objects, events or situations with common characteristics or essential, defining properties also known. These features make an object, event or situation belongs to the category or class that defines it. " Therefore, it is possible to define a concept from the classification, the process is identify the essential characteristics of the whole class that defines and identifies the word.

Pablo Freire


The function of the school is to be mediating of knowledge and formation of a citizen. 13. Which the series that this working currently? I am gotten passionate by initial series has more than 20 years I am engaged in this process of alfabetizao and today acts in 1 series for nomenclature exchange 1 year. 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES When we relate in them in education, must without a doubt remember to us of those people who need and she does not have conditions to make, for example, a licenciatura of superior level therefore is obligation of the people who can make something so that in the future all see the education of a necessary form and that they search it each time more, all would have to think in the way as Freire of one forms well clear for the people whom more power has could see the necessity of the people. So that the things happen are necessary of one total contribution of all, so that we as confident beings in an education of quality, for Valdemarim (2004, P. 190-191) ' ' the professor is a pupil and the pupil is, without knowing, a professor and all considered good, better will be that, as much what of as what receives the instruction, has little possible conscience of its papel' '. It is important to emphasize so that the education happens is necessary that it has of both the parts that we were created of form that we depend one on the other and therefore having different opinions and in fact it is truth that the professor, also finishes learning with the pupil and is in this way, for example, that we learn to respect the opinions of the others.

One concludes then that, ideal pupil is not alone that one that takes off good notes, is what he takes the knowledge for its all life, because he is in it that its future is based, today who knows more is successful. Thus, the pupil will go it school to gain knowledge for proper itself and one day will have its carried through dream. It will respect its colleagues and professors, will help all whenever to need it, will follow its duties with caution, thus, will be able to have its invigorated rights, therefore he is respecting that he has been respected. REFERENCES BRASIL< PCN: National curricular parameters Secretariat of Basic Education. – Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1997. PAIVA, V.P. Pablo Freire and the national development. So Paulo: Graal, 2000.

Active View


And even if the IT-specialists of your organization have these qualities, they may lack the experience and expertise is implemented on software products. So if you want new software (eg, service webinars) to put in their as quickly as possible, IT-specialists of "Active View" is part of the corporate "assets" as soon as possible deployed service webinars on your server, providing it with full functionality, explain any issues related to the setting, the use and administration of the system. The proposed range of services – a complete cycle of works from pre-project analysis, to technical support. The expenses will be paid back very quickly. "Of course, cost optimization, profitability are important, because the crisis has brought its own changes.

The cost of the offered software at least 2 times lower than the value offered by other operators in this market. In addition, when buying software is to use it every year, and not two, but much longer and more independently, without any restrictions, to regulate the amount of service area service webinars. So that the cost will be paid back with a vengeance "- says Anna Verba. Briefly about the possibilities of service technological basis of webinars offered product – service webinars and other online communications – is a platform A-Meeting, developed by the programmers of "Active APPEARANCE. " A-Meeting – is a modern multimedia solution for Webinars and online presentations, video interviews, online conferences, online training courses for corporate training, online courses and other forms of distance learning and networking. "Now we can on the server of the client, their corporate private network service set up webinars similar. To do so, our experts will deploy the necessary software software on the client's server, which, incidentally, may be running a free operating system Linux. So the cost of purchasing additional hardware or software is required. In this case you can not worry about Protection of confidential information.

SMEs Competitiveness


The truth, that the stark reality which began in the 1980s and the effects of globalization in the 1990s, suddenly awoke to all organizations and forced them to seek diligently new strategies to adapt successfully to increasing competition. Researching on this aspect, you know, some years remanifesto according to a report of competitiveness published by IESA, Venezuela is located from 47th in the world as a competitive country, not to mention, that this position is often their main industries such as oil and aluminum where focus your increased activity. Unfortunately, the development of other industries has been neglected. Knowing leverage and transform other natural riches. Why this?. You must have the small and medium industry in its matrix a series of problems that do not allow you to export, due to various causes, such as poor management, mishandling of their financial capacity, poor government policies, lack of modern technology, managers with little vision, planning, proactivity, as well as other factors.

Specifically, he says, they are nine areas where it fails, but only two are recurrent to know: older and better knowledge and access to fundamental resources (financial). To this is added, that Venezuelan SMEs suffer from a major lack of information, of knowledge, of know-how, of education, of updating; they are in need of knowing more, learn to update on the progress of the administrative science and its tools. In addition it must be taken into account, that SMEs are important actors in relation to competitiveness in any country in the world, such as the Swiss Sthephan Schmidheiny, however, says as we have mentioned, you neglected lot in its operation, and this gives way to obstacles preventing him to play optimally, as we reaffirm: difficulties in accessing credit, suppliers, the Government, to technology, to resources of all kinds. These requirements appear repeatedly in the nine areas of problem that truncates the high competitiveness.