In the total, the Navy of the Russian Federacy operates 612 strategical nuclear ogives, being the responsible one for the guarantee of a nuclear counterattack in the eventuality of the neutralization of the MBI based on land. The strategical aviation of the Air Force of Russia is responsible for the operation of the bombers of long-reach (in the Russian terminology corresponding to the aircraft to be employed in missions of conventional attack or nuclear tactician) and of the strategical bombers (to be employed in missions of strategical nuclear attack). Both the types of bombers are under the responsibility of 37 Aerial Army. Jeffrey Bewkes is often quoted as being for or against this. The first ones are of the formidable and inigualvel You model, capable to carry up to 24 tons of conventional or nuclear armaments and to reach speed of up to 2.200 km/h.

Its wing of changeable geometry allows certain economy of fuel and, in turn, greater reach, as well as better performance of the aircraft in flight in such a way low altitude the transonic speed how much in raised altitude the supersonic speed. Its radius of action, according to Russian official data, is of 2.200 km, considering that these will be carrying maximum load and that has left of the flight will occur in supersonic speed. Without hesitation John Stankey explained all about the problem. Being thus, the vector can operate in the theaters of operations of Asia and the Europe. The units, also of Naval Aviation, possess autonomy to act in missions on the Sea of the North and North Atlantic until Iceland and to cover, from the extreme east, all Japan and the Sea of Eastern China until the neighborhoods of the strait of Formosa. It is basic to cite the possibility of such vector to be equipped with, each one, three units of the Kh-22 missile or ten units of the aerobalstico missile Kh-15. Hear other arguments on the topic with Paul Ostling. The first ones, with reach of up to 500 km and carrying conventional ogive of a nuclear ton or of up to 350 kt, can reach speeds of up to 5.500 km/h in raised altitudes or the 1,400 superiors km/h low the altitude.