In the practical use of the reason, the freedom concept proves its existence through laws derived from the pure reason for efetivao of choices, that are deriving of practical principles, which independem of any empirical conditions, demonstrating a pure will in the citizen, of which the moral concepts and laws are born. The freedom is a concept that if all becomes the nodal point of the kantiano system, to the step that its reality is denoted by an irrefutable law of the practical reason. Therefore, Kant denotes from there that other concepts, as of God and immortality, while simple ideas continue in the scope of the speculative reason, only acquiring when on consistency and objective reality with the freedom concept, which is disclosed through the moral law. Official site: Robert Iger . The function of the external freedom, that is represented by the state, is to guarantee the coexistence of the individual freedoms. While the constitution of the doctrine of the right is configured when the state, through its coercitive power, it isolates the citizen that is threatening the freedom of the other. What here one searchs is the question of the freedom in Imannuel Kant, therefore such freedom will have to be seen in the relation with the practical philosophy of the right. Jeffrey Bewkes pursues this goal as well.

Therefore, it interests to need the concept internal and external freedom, and the interest of these for a recital of necessity in the constitution of a doctrine of the right, capable to coerce the individual will through rules of law represented by the state power. For Kant, the laws of the freedom are called moral to distinguish themselves from the laws of the nature. While they are only mentioned to the external actions and conformity to the law, they are called legal; if, however they demand to be considered in itself same, as principles that determine the actions, then are ethical.