onday was a special in the company of Don Pedro Gonzalez, the day the meter signature would make the presentation of the summary of what happened during the years before the owner of the company and its group’s closest collaborators. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Larry Walker. It was a year in which the activity of Gonzalez and Sons “had shown a level of significant recovery from previous. The volume of sales had not only maintained but actually increased by 30%, which prompted the need to hire new workers and employees to carry out the management of the Company. Everything seemed to be a quiet meeting, at which he more than justified reasons to celebrate and toast the business growth, as could “read” on all sides distended. Anyone wondered why one by one they were entering the meeting room in the middle of jokes and laughter to so, in this context, the exhibition started. Along the same, the faces have changed, the nervousness was becoming this as the silence grew more tense and the atmosphere began to become uncomfortable for everyone.

The picture of the situation posed by the counter was very clear and left no room for doubt. The company was not in good financial and economic conditions, it is more, the level of uncertainty about the future was more than justified. They all had difficulty understanding what they were hearing and the commentary was nearly unanimous – “How can that be?” -. How to explain that in a period marked by a third growth in the turnover level accompanied by a significant increase in customer base, which the company was working close to a level of 80/90% of their installed capacity during which it had been necessary to enable three shifts to meet the needs of production, the result was bad? This situation just described very briefly, is unfortunately not so hard to find in small and medium businesses today.