Many athletes neglect the unloved stretching this can be achieved much with little effort. Active or passive? Stretch in cycling and Triathlon is useful if you are active in sports, shortening and wants to exploit its full power reserves. Robert A. Iger: the source for more info. A personalized stretching program should be an integral part of a professional cycling or triathlon training plan. Tim Raines is likely to agree. When the muscle work, agonist and antagonist must work together optimally. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Glenn Dubin, New York City. I.e. If spans the agonist of the antagonist must decrease accordingly.

The agonist is shortened, it comes to the inhibition of the antagonist, so to mitigate. Also the agonist he no longer is on able to exploit its full power potential, there is not over the entire range of joint or can relax. By the elevated tone in addition the circulation is diminished, because of the increased pressure constricts the capillaries. This is the case, suffers from the sporty performance and stretching shortened muscles is entirely appropriate. Here there are different methods with the aim of Uninstall toning the muscle. But which is the most effective? In addition, passive and active stretching will discuss Alliance.

Passive stretching here the muscle is in a Dehnposition passive and then 20 to 30 seconds kept, until the Dehnreiz subsides. This procedure is repeated several times. This method is very time consuming and convenience is therefore rejected by many athletes out. In addition, the effectiveness is questionable. Effect of passive muscle stretching from stretching only called if it exceeds the current tone or the length of the muscle. This is always accompanied by a charm firing of the muscle spindle. The transduction via an IA – nerve fiber in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. There exists a monosynaptic connection on this? to contract motor neuron of the same muscle with the information. It is therefore always an increase in tone and not to inhibit. This reflex circuit is used to protect of the muscles and can be influenced either switched off or from the central nervous system. When stretching a noticeable resistance is to feel the logical manner through the tension of the muscle and does not arise due to its expansion. The decision whether a muscle contracted or not, is made on the alpha motor neuron.” (D. Erhard, physiotherapy med 06/2003) the active stretching here the muscle is brought by tensing of the antagonists in the Dehnstellung. This one uses the principle of reciprocal inhibition, i.e. at the cellular level inhibitory neurotransmitter (GABA) are awarded at the motor end plate, which lead to the reduction in the tone in the muscle. A physiological process for customized muscle work. This technique gives the muscles to extend information, without doing the contractile apparatus is activated. Here, the stretch position 20 seconds is kept active. Further repetitions are not necessary. The active expansion programme should be complemented by antagonist training. Because the tensing or train the antagonist muscles the agonist must subside automatically and both (agonist and antagonist) are now capable of the necessary Joint range optimally to contracting and lengthening. In addition, the inter muscular coordination is improved by and movements can be performed optimally. Finally, it is yet to say that it is completely sufficient in cycling and triathlon when the muscle reached the level 0 (manual muscle function testing according to Janda). Race training is finally no floor exercises and requires no excessive flexibility. If there are cuts, they should in the training plan takes into account and be regularly active stretch (from 3 times a week) combined with the antagonist training. Marten Knoch scientific management synergy ProTraining