‘Green IP-Hotel’ relies exclusively on renewable energies in combination with Intelligent IP technology Hamburg, 07 July 2009 with the opening of the world’s first green IP-hotels in Hamburg-Ohlsdorf AMEDIA presents its new generation of hotels. Industry wide novelty: the hotel is operated exclusively with environmental energy (photovoltaics, geo thermal heat) that produce no CO2 emissions. The connection between modern technology and ecology is this concept in the foreground and the basis for an optimized service and high comfort. Environmentally conscious overnight is not unlike comfort and digital living, which demonstrate the AMEDIA hotels. They offer first class service, coupled with modern communication and entertainment at no additional cost. The youngest member of the family is the AMEDIA Hotel Hamburg-Ohlsdorf. All guests receive free access to high speed Internet access (Wi-Fi) and video-on-demand in the room and can make calls free in over 48 countries.
Another highlight is the in-house HD-TV Studio for worldwide HD video conferencing, which is also available free of charge at the disposal. Also two sample rooms with innovative intuitive initially operated room touch controller \”provided. Room or technical services, air conditioning and heating control and more business processes are controlled via the touch screen. The AMEDIA Hotel Hamburg-Ohlsdorf became the first international Green-all-IP real estate, smart IT technology with its 165 rooms and combines an ecological energy concept. Udo Chistee, President of the AHC International Consulting AG, explains: no matter whether business, cultural and event travelers, students, gamers and families with children. We all are becoming increasingly mobile and would benefit as possible at any given time phone, Voice over IP, E-Mail, Internet and multimedia applications. At the same time, but also our ecological awareness is growing. With AMEDIA, there is an answer to this challenge now in the hotel sector. Here we elaborate consisting of within the IP-immo Consortium, Closely together. partners of the high-tech, research / development, as well as the economic area\” Members in this group are the IVISTAR AG, power economizer GmbH, the Fraunhofer Institute as well as digitalStrom and the AHC International Consulting AG.